Ex. Club Member
Hi guys/gals,
Finally managed a way of getting into the seat of a micra again, belly has fixed and returned to stock my old micra I pick her up tomorra

Better still the french messy lump is going, cheers to belly too... so belly is all in all a saviour!
How ever I can see that overall the micra will be staying stock, except maybe if I can get 2 corsa shocks maybe 50mm lows as in the boot there is almost a full lows kit, but I will require something faster so the saving will start for that sadly... unless the great micra owners can convince me otherwise and get me to mod the micra yet again
Cheers peeps,
Finally managed a way of getting into the seat of a micra again, belly has fixed and returned to stock my old micra I pick her up tomorra
Better still the french messy lump is going, cheers to belly too... so belly is all in all a saviour!
How ever I can see that overall the micra will be staying stock, except maybe if I can get 2 corsa shocks maybe 50mm lows as in the boot there is almost a full lows kit, but I will require something faster so the saving will start for that sadly... unless the great micra owners can convince me otherwise and get me to mod the micra yet again
Cheers peeps,