I need it a little higher to have better control on the clutch. With the seat its furthest back, and the huge steering wheel and my lanky-legs-11with knees cocked either side, I am not great at controlling it.
I wanted to know if this idle rpm was normal, and if it isn't, how I could possibly fix it please?
My test is on Thursday and I'm doing it in my k11. I would be better able to perform all of the manoeuvres and such if it doesn't strangle the engine at the first 5mm of clutch bite, makes the constant idle shuddering way more pronounced. I over throttle to compensate and that can be fine, however, it makes me sound like I'm revving the tits off my car when I'm leaving lights and stuff, it also makes the car feel really jerky and twitchy, even when I'm being as smooth as I possibly can be.
I have seen a screw you can use to change the idle RPM on this site (which I am slowly learning is the most definitive source of information on this vehicle available anywhere), do I turn it clockwise or anti clockwise, and must I remove any parts from the car to get to it?
Essentially, I'm starting to blame the car for what I think is genuinely its fault, not just my L plate driving.
I appreciate your answers on this topic a great deal, since I can't really have the car in bits in between full time work tomorrow night, and commuting to full time work! If its a screw driver job I'm all ears.
I wanted to know if this idle rpm was normal, and if it isn't, how I could possibly fix it please?
My test is on Thursday and I'm doing it in my k11. I would be better able to perform all of the manoeuvres and such if it doesn't strangle the engine at the first 5mm of clutch bite, makes the constant idle shuddering way more pronounced. I over throttle to compensate and that can be fine, however, it makes me sound like I'm revving the tits off my car when I'm leaving lights and stuff, it also makes the car feel really jerky and twitchy, even when I'm being as smooth as I possibly can be.
I have seen a screw you can use to change the idle RPM on this site (which I am slowly learning is the most definitive source of information on this vehicle available anywhere), do I turn it clockwise or anti clockwise, and must I remove any parts from the car to get to it?
Essentially, I'm starting to blame the car for what I think is genuinely its fault, not just my L plate driving.
I appreciate your answers on this topic a great deal, since I can't really have the car in bits in between full time work tomorrow night, and commuting to full time work! If its a screw driver job I'm all ears.