Engine crane to borrow near Gatwick airport

Anyone has got an engine crane which can borrow for couple of days for beer money. I been trying to get hold of one forever and I just dont fancy paying real bucks to HSS hires. Their prices are stupid. Thanks in advance.
Will might be able to help you out. He got one for when Martin did his transplant. Not sure if he paid for it or what though tbh...
well i borrowed it from a self employed mechanic "aquaintant" lol i didnt pay for it but i know he needed it back monday to remove a jag engine for a rebuild and maybe when hes finished doing the work i could get it again

but ill have to see as he may be a tad doubious of some person he doesnt know using it haha... i will deffo let you know
ah i forgot i can ask tomorrow eh i can give him a ring but hes one of them kinda old ######s.... would you be able to pick it up or wait till my cars on the rolll again