micra-mad Nov 29, 2010 #1 http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Niss...30514319011QQptZMotorsQ5fManualsQ5fLiterature going trough ebay and found this to bad it in japanese and not english
http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Niss...30514319011QQptZMotorsQ5fManualsQ5fLiterature going trough ebay and found this to bad it in japanese and not english
S silvia14 Club Member (Trial) Nov 29, 2010 #2 I have this one that i bought when i was in Bangkok last year................... .................. even though most of it is in Japanese its still very handy and there enough English to work out what things are what!! (Y)
I have this one that i bought when i was in Bangkok last year................... .................. even though most of it is in Japanese its still very handy and there enough English to work out what things are what!! (Y)