Agree. Not having a dig at smokers. Just never been interested in even trying it - there was nothing about it that attracted me. Smoking is fine, except for the rude people who stand directly outside a shopping centre exit and let it blow all over you as you walk in and out. That is deadset rude

At least with alcohol, it doesn't fall out of your glass and tip into someone else's mouth even when they don't want to drink it. I respect the good smokers who deliberately walk a little bit out of the way so their smoke doesn't blow on other people.
I reckon do whatever you want to yourself, as long as you can guarantee you won't be having any negative impacts on society.
Yeah totally agree Matty re:music. Its all made while people are off their heads.
Just as long as drug users don't end up with melted brains and they cause a car accident with innocent people, or they end up on the dole because they can't work any more, and my tax pays for it etc etc. I don't want a society full of people who had the highs of their life while they were young, and then when they are 50, they are in public mental homes, and my tax is paying for it because of their drug use.
People need to think a little more about "what do I contribute to society and this country" rather than "how can I get high for the 2 seconds of my life - all about me me me". Because you're only going to come down off the high sometime, and then you're going to need more of it. Like: "Hmm if I took these drugs for the next 5, 10 or 20 years, would that have any kind of impact on my brain, i.e. would I become a fraction slower or less-alert?" If so, then you're more of a risk to other drivers on the roads etc just because of some long term use eating at your brain. Why should someone clean not into drugs have to drive around with other sub-brained people who *may* have a higher chance or causing an accident?
You can take drugs and dream that you're powering around in a 150fwkw micra like some crazy trip, or you can just go and build a real one, and its still there each day after you wake up.