Drop Links

Hi guys,

Taken my micra (1999 k11) in for its wheels tracked today and the garage advised me that both my front drops links had gone. They quoted me £30 per side to get them replaced, this a decent price? I dont really fancy doing them myself due to everything being as rusty as hell down there! lol

cheers! :)

erm, i cant hear knocking, i can hear a rattle tho.

they said i should be able to notice really poor handling but tbh i dont really....

if they are knackered, and they are right, should i get it done ASAP?

PS cheers for replying Frank, you always seem to help me out with any posts i make! :)
np dave :)
mine,s got no anti-rollbars at all (and no droplinks) so unless the rubbers have disintegrated and the a/r/b is banging inside the bolts they,ll be fine (if you,re worried, get your mot man to check them)
UPDATE: Just managed to get a look at the offending item! and yes, the links either side have snapped off. so managed to order 2 of these http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=220353887636

now, do I have a crack at installing myself or do i get a garage to do it for 20 quid?! I have a feeling the nut will be well and truly rusted on!

if the bolts have snapped, you wont have to undo anything dave (just pull it apart) then fit the new ones, go on, have a bash :grinning:
well, i had a go, and you know when you start something you wish you never bothered doing! lol

the links were corroded on, so this involved the use of a combination of a hammer, blow torch, chisel. I think ill invest in a dremel or similar next time!

and then after all of that work, i decided to give it a run and see what it handled like only to run over next doors cat in the process :-( not a good day!

on the other hand, im glad i did the droplinks myself, at least i know what to do next time! cheers guys for all your help!