Drink drive limits


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I was wondering if anyone knew the alcohol limit (in units) before you go over the drink drive limit. I know people are able to drink different amounts and feel fine, but thats not what im asking, i just want to know what the "law" states is illegal.

Ive tried google but kept coming up with useless information.

the only thing I can find is this from http://www.homehealth-uk.com/index.html?f=body|fr=http://www.homehealth-uk.com/medical/alcohol.htm|r :-

What is the legal drink drive limit?

The current legal limit for driving in the U.K. is 80milligrams of alcohol per 100millitres of blood, 35 micrograms of alcohol in 100 ml of breath or 107 milligrams of alcohol per 100ml of urine.

The legal drink drive limit can't be safely converted into a certain number of units, as everyone absorbs alcohol into the blood stream at different rates. However, an average man (12-13 stone) should consume no more than 4 units and an average woman (9-10 stone) should consume no more than 3 units. If you are particularly small or have not eaten these figures should be reduced.

The only way to be sure you are not over the limit is not to drink at all if you are going to drive. Any amount of alcohol will affect your judgement, you will not be able to judge speed and distance accurately and your ability to react may be severely affected. Nearly 800 people in Britain die each year in road accidents involving drivers who are over the current legal limit.
Cheers Jim, the top paragraph is what i kept finding too but its the middle one i needed!

Thanks mate
I dont drink anything either, i was asked by someone what the limit was so i thought the best place to ask was here :)
if i do drink ill have one pint and make sure im either eating or have at least 2-3 hours before i drive. but the best advice is if your drinking dont drive ;)
totally depends on the person imo, i only drink 2 cans a fosters if i drive, anything over like stella, kronie etc. and i only dring 1, ie. a pint
two cans of fosters then straight out off for a drive in your car and you
ARE breaking the law. one pint of stella and you are breaking the law as its nearly three units.

you should all think very carefully about it before taking your car to a pub even with no intention of drinking, people do very silly things when drunk. and your reaction times are shocking. seriously decreased after only pint and the worst bit is you dont notice.

safe bet dont drink and drive. food also does NOT make a difference, it takes approximately 1 hour to loose one unit of alcohol and that is as fast as it leaves the body. one pint of stella and its three hours before you are classes as sober by the law
food does make a diffrence, have you ever been out on the lash on a empty stomach? i have and the last thing i can remember is looking into the toilet.

it totally depends on the driver, some people get drunk on a can and some get drunk on 20 cans

im not saying i straw a few tins the go out for a blat, thats just my rule of thum generally, it may be a bit over it may be a bit under but i ensure that ive had a meal in between and a run round the block and a hour on a tread machine before i drive.

theres no rule on the ammount on what you have, its best to stick to 1 can/pint when driving or none.

then again i very dubious about the way a breathaliser is calibrated anyway.
ohc, sorry but you are wrong! the alcohol goes into your blood stream so your stomarch doesnt really matter, yes you may get lightheaded easier if you have not had a good meal, but thats by-the-by as far as the law is concerned its the amount of alchol in your body not how much alcohol your body can tolorate. a seasoned drinker could have 5-10pint throughout a drinking sesion and still feel fine at the end and the light drinker could have 3-4 pints and feel very merry, either way they are both overthe limit as far as what their body is holding.
i like the change of pace... dont like drinking cokes all the time. Means i can sit sipping a 1/2 pint for a while.
I've learnt the hardway. And am in court on May 22nd 2006 for driving under influence of alcohol. I was 1 milligram over the legal limit. Am contesting it as I cannot afford to lose my license. Lost license = Not possible to travel to work = No job = No Career = Stacking shelves in Asda

Since I got pulled, I have NEVER touched anything with alcohol in if I'm driving.
totally agree with what most people have said! either dont drink at all or leave your car at home, especially at this time of year, when the police are extra precautious and more likely to do random testing
due to a drink driver my father-inlaws mazda was writen off on xmas day night. it was on the drive and the saxo vtr smashed in to it.

if you gonna drive dont drink!

as a very very rough rule half a pint of beer is 1 unit. also a pub galss of normal strength wine is 2 units. your allowed two units of alchahol and drive. and yes the body gets rid of about 1 unit an hour but this is also a very very rough rule. this is what i mean by can never be arsed drinking anything.
I wont drive at all after drinking. I'll only drive the day after, even then i'll usually try to decide if its worth it if i had a heavy drinking session the previous night.
Davey C said:
ohc, sorry but you are wrong! the alcohol goes into your blood stream so your stomarch doesnt really matter, yes you may get lightheaded easier if you have not had a good meal, but thats by-the-by as far as the law is concerned its the amount of alchol in your body not how much alcohol your body can tolorate. a seasoned drinker could have 5-10pint throughout a drinking sesion and still feel fine at the end and the light drinker could have 3-4 pints and feel very merry, either way they are both overthe limit as far as what their body is holding.

Absorption of alcohol into the blood stream is affected greatly by food in the stomach. It will cause a lower blood alcohol level. I'm not saying it's something that you take into account when drinking though.
i still cant belive there are people out there willing to put their and other peoples lives at risk by drinking and driving...

TBH the law should be scrapped and replaced with a all out ban on drink driving with a small allowance - but to small to allow a alcoholic drink to pass the lips!
my advice!


not worth it pal! my mate got done after 1.5 pints and he wasnt even tipsy! was it worth it for an 18 month ban, £500 fine, and stupidly high insurance now hes got his license back? was it ***! :)