Don't Scrape the Paint!

Would you park this way if you owned this car?



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entirelyconfusedsheffield said:
My girlfriend parks like that and she drives a Daewoo.

ROFL, I know where ur coming from, My G/F thinks the line goes in the middle of the car i swear :E

goldstar0011 said:
If I saw a car parked like that I wouldn't be so concerned about "accidentally" damaging it.

I'm like that. If i see a car parked like that - especially nice cars - it really annoys me. Why should they get the benefit of the parking space over anyone else?

Makes me more inclined to park beside them and accidentally bang my door of theirs several times.
when i worked at morrisons there was a guy who used to park in the disabled bay in front of the store so people wouldnt bang his car. w#####.
You can get fined for parking like that, so although he's protecting his car, it will probably cost in the long run!

Cant believe people are talking about deliberatly damaging someone's car though. You would hate it if anything happened to yours
I know other people have that mentality too so I do my best to park and drive in a safe manner so no one wants to damage my car.

Realistically though I'd just grass them up
Arnold said:
Cant believe people are talking about deliberatly damaging someone's car though. You would hate it if anything happened to yours

I don't park across 2 bays like an idiot, if i did i would deserve my car to be damaged.
i tend to park anywhere, not like my paint can get much worse :p
but seriously, the car park in that pic looks relatively empty, parking like that just draws attention to the car, and if some numpty was in that frame of mind he'd probably having a quick look to see what was worth nicking
It was early morning, actually, and the car park was mostly empty. Plenty of spaces, there really was no need for her (yes!) to park like that. And, yes, all she did was draw attention to the car. I wouldn't have given it a second glance if she hadn't done so. Still, I didn't have the urge to key the car, but someone else might have.

Interesting cross secton of replys.

Allan said:
I don't park across 2 bays like an idiot, if i did i would deserve my car to be damaged.

Does doing that deserve it to be vandalised though? Surely a parking fine or a suitable legal penalty would suffice.
Arnold said:
Does doing that deserve it to be vandalised though? Surely a parking fine or a suitable legal penalty would suffice.

That or just let the tyres down. No lasting damage :)
I park either away from others,close to the wall so the other cars door cant reach, or between two mint condition/well looked after cars. even though the body work on my car isnt too good
I've had both my Micra and Corolla damaged in car parks and it really winds me up that people show very little for respect for other people's property, not to mention how badly my Corolla got keyed.

I wouldn't park quite like that, but I always look for end spaces or park the best I can to avoid anyone damaging mine. Where I work is a nightmare due to no marked bays, it's just a cobled market square and people fight for spaces all day long, hence I have 3 dings in my arches from people parking too close.

One bloke the other day was reversing from a space next to mine and whilst swinging it out nearly took my rear bumper off, until his passenger shouted to him to stop, I just happened to be walking by and glared at him lol!

You may not agree with how she parked, but that car obviously cost a fair bit and I can understand why people do it.

I disagree with this parking, and think the fines should be higher for people that obviously do it on purpose. This woman should invest in some shoes suitable for driving so she can control the car properly when parking. And altho i don't agree with anyones view of vandalising the car, it's a public car park after all. If u have a car like this, then don't park in a multi storey. Common sense really.
I would probably say the only reason he/she has parked like that is to protect their paintwork. No matter what car you drive, it's some peoples pride and joy and they take pride in how it looks. And to be honest I don't blame them.

Whenever I park in a car park, I always try and park well away from anyone else. I never park next to a car that has a baby seat in the back, because 99% of the time, you'll come back to find a dent down the side of your car, same as I never park next to a 4x4

The one thing that really ticks me off is door dings. Someone gets in their cars and BANG, don't give a flying SWEAR FILTER EVADING IS NOT TOLERATED and bashes your door with their door.

Now, you might think they are a selfish #### for taking up two spaces, but they are only protecting their car.

Personally, I wouldn't do it as you'd bound to find some EDITED that tries and parks next to you...fwn

I've only had my Micra less than 2 weeks and it's already got a door ding on one of the doors...grr I just wish the previous owner had taken more care of where she parked, otherwise the other 2 dings wouldn't of happened...grr
Actually I'd be tempted to park about 2 inch to the side of it. Then say that you were trying to get into the second space :)
My friend got a ticket once because her car handbrake failed and it rolled into an empy space behind her hald over the pavment, haha :p