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Thanks guys.

Well, i took it down my local tyre place. They checked the wheel alignment and it was definitely out. After they re-aligned it, i took it round the block to see if it solved the problem. To my surprise, it pulled more to the left than before. Took it back, they re-checked the alignment, still spot on. So they swapped the front tyres over stating that the tread may cause the pulling as it had worn in a certain way when they were out of alignment. Tried it again, this time it was better, doesn't seem to pull as much, but still very very slightly to the left. I think i can live it but it has left the steering wheel slightly out (when you are in a straight line, the wheel is slightly turned to the right). I hope this would rectify itself once i change the front tyres when they need replacing as i believe it could be the tread thats causing the slight pulling now.

What do you think?

I knew the sales rep was bullsh*ting when he told me about avoiding hitting an oncoming vehicle. I can't understand why he needed to tell me that. I wouldn't have thought Nissan would be very impressed with him. All he needed to say was to get the technicians to check it over.
