Discussion of new forums


Add any comments/questions/bug reports you have of the new forums here :)

I will try my best to answer them. If you have not yet read the announcement, please do so HERE.

James :)
looks pretty cool, what changes will we be seeing with this forum?

EDIT: didnt realise we got hacked..grrrrrr
New forums were brought in because the old ones have had 3 security breaches in the past month and we didn't want to risk losing all the data.

Changes: Everything that's been promised can be implemented much easier and quicker. I will get to work on them when I get home (I've already spent nearly my whole workday installing these forums, oops :blush: )
James said:
New forums were brought in because the old ones have had 3 security breaches in the past month and we didn't want to risk losing all the data.

Changes: Everything that's been promised can be implemented much easier and quicker. I will get to work on them when I get home (I've already spent nearly my whole workday installing these forums, oops :blush: )

cool that should be good, am i right in saying that these types of forums can have a good variety of different skins? i am not really liking the one at the mo :p
James said:
It's not going to have this skin, I was planning on redesigning the MSC one for these forums :)

that will look good, i have only found one thing that needs changing so far, the time on the forums, they are an hour behind lol

any way, lets hope this forum has better luck than the last 2!
I think you need to change your timezone to +1 in your Profile Options for it to change, as we're on an American server it doesn't automatically apply British Summer Time :(
and the countdown for the MSC meets isnt on,,will we be having it up again? i liked it
We've had problems with the old MSC fourms, so James is using these ones so that we don't lose all of the information again, as thats what happened last time. It wasn't fun!

Give him some time and all will be back to normal.
I think you've made a good choice with the swap. It may not be open source or free, but at least the developers don't repeatedly let simple security problems through again and again.

Did you find out which exploit was used on the old forums?
will the
No arcade!! how's Ed going to cope without tetris

Glad all the data isnt lost, even if it does take a while to adjust :)
james remember the like picture you use in other forums in your signature i use it in other forums but it doesnt work will it work again?

also i dont like this skin makes the msc look cheap
Whoa, what a popular thread! Here's my barrage of replies... ;)

Patience, if you read the announcement, you'll see that I have plenty of things to re-implement, including the side bar.

Unfortunately, that seems like a bad side-effect of the upgrade, but some will still work if you take the number out of the "[attachment=xxxx]" and put it at the end of: http://www.micra.org.uk/attachment.php?attachmentid=

Oh dear, I wasn't aware PMs were messed up, I'm afraid that may be irreversable :( I'll look into it

Hmm, odd all the images are uploaded fine, I haven't had any problems, have you tried clearing out your temporary internet files?

Yeah, it was this one I think: http://johnny.ihackstuff.com/index.php?module=prodreviews&func=showcontent&id=1305 and yes, I've always wanted vBulletin on here, it really is a case of you get what you pay for :)

I believe theres an RSS link somewhere, I'll try and find it

In everywhere except the signatures, still clutters the site up mate, sorry.

It's on its way back don't worry :D
Fordy said:
james remember the like picture you use in other forums in your signature i use it in other forums but it doesnt work will it work again?

also i dont like this skin makes the msc look cheap
I'll see what I can do with regards to the sig image, and as for the skin, yes it will change, I've just gotta mod the old one first :)

Like I said, I did this in a hurry so you could all keep chatting so you'll have to bear with me :)
james--its good how quick the transistion from forums has been, and to bring all the data from the last forum to this, you've done realy well to do it all so fast, well done mate
me thinks that some of the front page news (ie ed stepping down n things b4 it) should be taken off now as it makes the screen fairly long (imo) to scroll down to new threads n such n that also the news is now irrelevant...well just my opinion...
Im loving the menu when you click on a members username!! And the moderating team is quite a good idea too! Coming along nicely James! Now go get some sleep!

Daz :alien:
Very good mate. Also impressed with how quickly it was changed over. New forum should be great when its done. :) Looking forward to garage too. :D