

Ex. Club Member
Hi Guys,
I may be getting my hands on some new dial's for my car although the clocks are about 3000 miles out, is there anyway that these can be changed? I dont want this to be illigal i just want it to read the same as what the current clocks say as they are more than the new ones.

Thanks in advance :)
ye they should be plug and play. i wouldnt bother with the expense of digital mileage correction for only 3000 miles tbh
Ive just checked and the seller had put the wrong miles, its actually 15k out.. do you know roughly how much digital correction would be? or apparently you can also just have the MOT center put down the differnce in millage and state the reason for change.. Suggestions as to what i should do?
ahh i have had a look but cant find any prices.. are there any other suggestions? if i dont get it changed is there a way to keep it the same and just declair it?
ahh okay, so i can just drive around with it and just make a not of the actually mileage then when i go to sell it state the true millage and i should be okay? and will the connector be the same and will the rev counter actually work? thats the only reason im really changing them.. Thanks
Ive just had a look at that and worried me slightly, im just waiting to find out what the sender says, im really hoping its from the year of mine, the mileage on it is very low so fingures crossed.. if not ill proabbly be aiming for an after market tacho..