crazy ideas


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has any one ever had any crazy ideas for k10's

a guy who i know (owns a 700bhp gtr 32) said chop the floor pan off and swap it out for a modified pulsar one. any one know of anyone trying it ??
The only crazy K10 i can think of is micra man's! Loads of different things on that, apart from that and the engine conversions going on, nobody has really tried anything different.
Thanks Arnold, I think. :p Hoping to get hydraulics and a faster engine next... need I say more. :p Not sure if its beginning to get silly now though lol.

As for others, Quickdraws will be mad when its done, that v6 one is crazy, I'd love to have the time to play around with another one. I have many crazy ideas for it if I did.
Where are you getting the hydrolics from MM? i was looking at air suspension earlier!

Also, it is a good thing to see someone try something so extremely different with there K10's!
Haven't really had a good look into it yet as such, but the bodyshop who is doing my car also do cars for a company called Drive Buy near me who have a deal with Rayvern Hydraulics. Depends how much its gunna cost really, as I have heard that micra arches are too small for airbags, so it would have to be hydraulics. I just saw loads of them at Donny and think they are awesome. :D And I think a micra with them would be sweet also.

As for the pulsar idea, if you had the know how I can't see why not. :)
sounds like a plan!

I always wanted to do that to a 100 NX, which i believe is on a sunny floorpan.