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Courior's Super S Blog


Fat ppl r harder 2 kidnap
Right then... Seeing as i have finally got a car thats worth my time and money im gonna be sorting it out over the next few weeks and thought i would make a blog to keep track of how it goes.

I bought the car 23rd June for the sum of £350 off ebay. And with a little.... a lot of help from fordy i was convinced im onto a winner! so i start the 200 mile drive home.

24th june
I still havent actually got the car home yet lol. It was a loooong way away so i stopped at my unties house on the way back for some sleep. As a note, i drove 87 miles and its only used about £7 worth of fuel, and that included some traffic and some accelleration tests! As soon as i get home today i will be adding pics and everything of how it is now. and if it stops raining hopefully i can start to work on the arches!!
Some Pictures!

This is how the car currently looks. After taking the pics i took off the rear arch plastics and attempted to get the fronts off. Unfortunatly the rain started coming down hard and i had to abort. I did get both rears off though and the rust is not as bad as i though. I will have a lot of work to do to sort it but it definatly IS sortable. I had a look under the side skirts and there is not much rust at all! so i will just pump a load of waxoyl down here or maybe some undercoat to keep it rust free. I still need to get the front plastics off to inspect the wings which i think may need to be replaced, but im gonna try and salvage them!

I just wish it would stop raining so i can work on me car!!! (and the 5 day forecast dont look good!!)


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Cheers mate. I hope i can restore all of the rust on it! mechanically it goes perfectly, just need to sort out the rust on the body and all will be well again.
get the rust sorted mate and then get rid of them stickers then tcut the whole car and its gunna gleam, also try get the front fog light lens off but be very carefull as i think they had rusted, you need to get the water out of them, clean then and reseal them

everyone look at the interior this is called as good as new

also look at the wiper arm in this picture, when the arms have been painted, i recommend you do it as it makes the back end alot sporter dont believe what others say down looks limpy
that added with some march rear lights, exhaust tip or backbox and you've got a good looking back end

out of interest mate whats your postcode? i wonder how far you are from me, if you need my help badly i could come down on a sunday to give a hand depending ive got enough fuel in my tank
Looks great bud! as i said on the phone before you picked her up, rust would be the only concern but glad that's not too major! What are the wings like on your car? you could always use them for parts and spray them :)
I have been hard at work after some phone calls to Fordy (thanks again mate!!), and been doing as he suggested, I have taken the rear wheel off and scraped all the mud from the lip where the body kit screws into and im happy to say it didnt fall off in my hands!! infact its very solid indeed!! there are a couple of bits that came off with a bit of force and they will be apoxy filled to create a new bit of lip. The rest will be wire wheel/sanded back to bare metal/light rust and painted with good ole Hammerite metal paint. My dad used this stuff on the gate of our house and 10years later it has not let any rust come through or flaked! it also has rust killing agents in it so it will soak up any rust i dont scrape off and will keep the wing pristine for years to come! and its in white so no colour worries!! GRAND!! I cannot express the relief i am feeling now knowing that this car is easily fixed and even more relief that Fordy is coming over soon to sort out any mechanical probs and to waxoyl the main chassis bits and bobs. I also had some really horrible pink/green FIZZ sticker on the side of the car... does this have any meaning?? do i have anything extra in the car? anyhow the fizz has come off with the help of a hairdryer and old credit card! .. i am using pictures of Fordy's white K10 to go by as a way of having something to aim for. I have stuck some pics of the progress so far! Enjoy and feel free to comment!!


PS: what is this thing that is bolted to both of my rear wishbones?? (i think they are wishbones but u can see in the pic what i mean). My LS doesnt have this. It circled in red on the last pic. :)


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I thought it was something to do with that but just wanted to make sure.. Thanks bud!


I have been working on the SS today trying to sort the rear arches. So far i have used a wire wheel on a power drill to remove any flaky stuff and the rest of the mud, then sandpaper to follow and give a key. Then i went shopping to look for some good paint. I ended up with a primer called INTERNATION ANTI RUST PRIMER. it says on the tin that it can be painted onto "Very Rusty" surfaces and will stop the rust and protect against more. so i got a tin of that and some brushes. I have put on the first two coats and am waiting for it to dry so i can stick on the 3rd and final coat. Then thats one arch done!

While waiting for the 1st coat to dry i had another go at removing the front arch trim. i couldnt get the bolt out that goes into the sill so i undone the arch screws and just pulled it off a bit to inspect the rust.... it looks like someone has used it for target practice with a shotgun! its full of holes and crumbled in my hands. :( . a quick email to my ebay parts dealer dude has turned up 2 silver wings in V good nick, and 4 door pins/bushes all delivered for £45! not bad me thinks. the only prob is that the wings are silver so i will need to paint them, but thats not too much of a problem. Pics to follow later!

Some pics,

Im trying to show the paint behind the arches, but was hard to get a good shot. I also have put up a pic of the front arch after i took the body kit off and as you can see its FUBAR!!! lol


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are the bushes and pins brand new? if so i'll bring along my special tool for fitting them

so glad the main rust is only on the removable panels

the paint code on your cars 531 aint it? check it is and i'll get some touch up paint from the bodyshop at work mate and bring it with me,its good for the door edges where they are going rusty

if you get a chance to, check the rear heater window lines are all working, if some dont work let me know and i'll bring the stuff along

knowing you aint got much money mate i'll bring some supplys with me do you have any white t-cut? if not i've got a bottle we can use, i will get this car to the same or higher standard of my old white one, yours will be shiny

i'll see what ive got laying around in my garage that i think wil improve yours, i might have a few starter motors laying around i need rid off lol

oh yea and get some new plates made with the blue gb stickers on, makes a white k10 look great

with all my tools and supplys my cars gunna look as if its got a 60 mm drop :grinning:
Fordy, Im pretty relieved that all the rust is on removable panels as well lol!! Yeah the paint code is 531. I have some cans of it already and also the lady gave me a little pot of touch up paint, although i havent opened it to see if its still useable. I think ive got polish for white paint, not sure if its T-Cut though. Things like that and parts like dizzy caps/rotor arms/ oil filters..... we can nip down halfords or my other local place for.

I have found some dents in the bonnet, looks like bounced a basket ball on the bonnet at the very front and also in the door where it used to say FIZZ. paint is not damaged in any dent but i might get someone to do them and also that bit of rust under the front window. ill see how much they are asking for.

If you can bring anything to put on my car i would be sooooooooo grateful and ill make it up 2 you some how lol.

Cheers so much for the help dude!!! ill add some more info later, got work early 2moro :( cant work on me car! :( :(
good to see this making good progress (nice one!!)

I can vouch for the rear window heater lines repair kit....looking in the rear view mirror has never been so pleasurable...LOL

no more.."those broken lines are getting on my wick"
Well I thought i do a bit of an update. I have now the central locking kit and Wind Deflectors ready to fit. My "new" wings are prepped and at the spray man, gonna pick them up tommorrow. I have bought a lot of stuff today like:

Motor Oil,
Gear Oil,
Dizzy Cap,
HT Leads,
NGK twin tip sparkies,
Timing belt,
Alternator belt,
Oil filter,
Fuel Filter,
Rad Flush,

and am picking up a new rotor arm tommorrow!

When all this is fitted this car will be running smooth as silk!! Cant wait to get it on the road lol. Specially as my LS has a CV joint thats now making REAL BAD noises!!! and the clutch slips when you hammer it lol.
you're goanna FREEKING love IT!!!!

Pure driving pleasure

well worth the effort!

If you can manage it...ditch the multi electrode plugs and go for NGK V-Groove (exchange them)
Doh thats what i bought.. V GROOVE!!! i forgot the name totally.. i called fordy when i was in the shop and he reccommended them to me.. now you also reccomend them then they must be good lol!
aye v groove are the best plugs for the k10 and i've almost all types, bosch super 4's make the car run like a sack of ####!
I have bought a lot of stuff today like:

Motor Oil,
Gear Oil,
Dizzy Cap,
HT Leads,
NGK twin tip sparkies,
Timing belt,
Alternator belt,
Oil filter,
Fuel Filter,
Rad Flush,

i thought we were gunna do the halfords trade card and save money but no problem at least we can crack on with things we i get there
I know mate lol. I remembered just as i left the shop and anyways i got some of the stuff from another motor shop for nearly half the price.. the oil and stuff it wouldnt of covered anyway i think.. but anyway if we need more stuff then we can use a trade card :)

Cheers :)
Righto.. Got the wings back from the sprayers... and they look like NEW!!!! soooooooo glad i took em to be done professionally. the paint was baked on so is reeeeeeally strong and the colour match looks to be perfect as can be!

Here are some pics of the wings in my garage (scuse the lame flash from my mobile cam):


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Time for an update... and a maaaaaaaaaasssive thank you to Fordy.

Basically yesterday he came over and we got a lot done!

we (95% him) lol did:

Timing belt,
New crank and cam oil seals,
Waxoyled the frame/sils/underbody/boot lid etc....
replaced headlight and sidelight,
new sparkies,
new HT leads,
new dizzy cap,
changed oil and oil filter
new fuel filter,
new Alternator belt,
changed gearbox oil,
flushed and replaced coolent,
replaced both front wings,
bolted body kit back on,
replaced a SERIOUS bit f rust behind the wiper motor!!! (all k10 owners go check now lol as it was well hidden!),
and im sure some more stuff i missed out!

again massive thanks to Fordy and i will come up and see ya sometime soon mate!



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timing belt took the longest as i havent done one for ages but remembered quickly whilst i was doing it plus we found the cam and crank seals needed changing so had to rush out to get some new ones

also that cars got one huge loud horn lol
Structural and Mechanical work done!!!!

The car is now ready for the road!!!! All of the rust has been sealed/fixed/treated, the engine and other mechanics have been done, and the fog lights have been repaired! All i have left to do is performance/ICE/ gadgets to do now but they can be done without a time limit. The first thing will be to swap over the suspension to the new ones on my LS, got a day off tommorrow and no rain predicted so will do it then. Then i have to check with the bank to see if ive got anything else to buy some nice ICE with! (prob not though :( ).

I will keep updating this when i do things.

Total spent so far i think is:

I had set aside another 350 for stuff to fix it up, then i would have a 700 quid car thats in greeeeeeeeeat condition and i think thats worth it for a SS.

car: 350
Service parts: 130
Wings: 45
Spraying: 100
Others stuff: ~50
Favours Owed: Lots

so 675 Inc the cost of the car. Not bad me thinks!!

Here are some pics, It still needs a good hard polish to bring it all up though. Notice the hole in the fog lamp lol. the one with the foil already on was much worse but i'd fixed it before i took the pic doh!


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money well spent mate by the lokos of it got yourself a classic k10!! thats going to last a good 5-10 years at least :) or until the engines goes pop :p
Engine wont go pop... I dont drive mad and i wont need to rev the nutts off it to go up hills lol. I also service it pretty regular as well so should be ok.. i think the body will fail before the motor!
Its been a looooooong two days for the SS. I took the front suspension off of the LS and went to put it on the SS.. i couldnt undo ANYTHING!! it was all rusted shut, and the nut was so rusty i ended up smacking 15mm sockets onto it when its ment to be 17. anyway i got the insurance changed over to the SS at a cost of £90, not bad. then stuck the good shocks in the boot and took it to my local mechanic. he did it for £30 which i thought was pretty reasonable. that was yesterday.

Today i picked the car up from the mechanics and put the old shocks on the LS and took the rear off the LS.. came of nooooo probs! .. then i went to take the rears off the SS.. OMG what a joke! one came of with the help of Mr hammer. but the other was stuck fast. so same again, went to mechanic with it in the boot and he said all he was gonna do was cut it off and i might as well save the money and do it myself. so fair play i went home. on the last 1mm of metal left to cut the grinder blade shattered in two and ripped up my arm which hurt like hell!! after tending to wounds i got the shock off and got the new one on the SS... so now the SS is really, well and truly. SORTED!

I decided to fit my wind deflectors and as money was V low i just sprayed the hub caps white. was a lame spray job but from afar it looks ok.

Here is a pic of it now :) (if anyone is still reading this lol)


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