My -98 1.0l micra thingy is lovely! I love the CVT gearing 
However, sometimes (like once every week) the engine keeps killing itself.. I can restart it right away, but the engine dies soon after. I can drive carefully, with partial dying (most noticeable when going uphill), and then it just gets better after about an hour or less, until it acts normally.
Also, while it is acting suicidal, whenever I stand still and put it in "drive", it dies too...
The car drives perfectly normal at anytime other than this..
A friend meant it was the fuel pump. Does anyone have a better suggestion..? or should i go ahead and change the pump..?
(found some great guides on how to change the pump and so forth)
I'm also wondering if this pump has replaceable parts, or if it is completely sealed..? (should be the last one right? since it is inside the tank and all..?)
Also, can I use pumps from 1.3l micras?