Cold Air Induction Kit for Nissan Micra 160SR?

I've looked online and can't find any Cold Air Induction kits for the Nissan Micra 160SR.

The cheap ones on Amazon say you can't use them with cars that have pressure/ airflow sensors.

I understand the BHP won't be significant but wanted something that would make the car sound sportier and doesn't cost a lot.
? -06 Micra 160SR of Mika The Finn

Induction modification of my 160 SR

I removed 160SR duct a while back. It's all the way from intake to air box about 54mm in diameter. I found two intake silencers, most likely to muffle suction noise in drive by noise test, in duct. When I installed cold air induction to my Camaro, instructions told to plug or remove silencers, in order to avoid turbulence in air flow. I tough follow same principal with Micra and taped silencer openings in duct, I left silencers in place. Bigger one has mounting post for duct. There are three openings in duct, the 3rd is for sucking warm air from top of engine to prevent throttle body freezing in moist and cold environment. Two taped openings are circled with orange in pictures. This modification took about hour. I don't know is it my imagination, since something was done. But throttle response seemed to be little bit crispier... :rolleyes:








Thanks for the reply. I appreciate it. So you basically duct taped two openenings within the intake tubes to stop the air being muffled and silenced? Is this basically a way to increase the sound of the engine like a cold air intake? And you left the third one to stop the throttle body from freezing? Sorry I just want to understand how you did it haha