This is the opening post for my throttle bodies conversion. I had wanted to post with it all finished but i need some assistance before i conclude - sadly. 
My Problem
I've been looking at trumpet length, i know i mentioned it in a previous post - but i'm struggling! I've been using different resources, eg: (...although VVTi based)
...just for some references!
I know it totally depends on the car, and what you're after. I'll mention that i'm not racing this thing, but i do want power gains in usuable areas at the upper range. I'm just finding it contradictory...
David Walker mentions that he uses 170mm trumpets and shorter in his testing and has good gains (for what i'm after) around those upper lengths...
However, Jenvey say that 9000RPM =350mm and proportionately 18,000RPM = 175mm. I mean, that's double one half the other, so does that mean for 4500 = 700mm?!...and if so, i work out that 6000 is approx 500mm!?
...and if David Walker claims that 4mm is enough to move the range....!!?????
aljkdklasjklhassfQKQCXCX....sorry, my brain went into a severe panic there. Can some please guide me on the path?!
Results so far...
On a side note, i've only bodged together this whole thing for testing, load of cable ties and some duct tape holding together a plenum (for MAF etc).
I will say that the first setup run I had only about 200mm length. This gave severe power loss and would top out at 45 in 2nd. ( reference.)
Secondly, I moved the plenum in front of the's about 650mm say? I was well over 60mph in second and got scared. I actually had to check i wasn't in 3rd, but it was revving it's little head off. Problem is it takes too long to get there!
Please help, advice needed!!
My Problem
I've been looking at trumpet length, i know i mentioned it in a previous post - but i'm struggling! I've been using different resources, eg: (...although VVTi based)
...just for some references!
I know it totally depends on the car, and what you're after. I'll mention that i'm not racing this thing, but i do want power gains in usuable areas at the upper range. I'm just finding it contradictory...
David Walker mentions that he uses 170mm trumpets and shorter in his testing and has good gains (for what i'm after) around those upper lengths...
However, Jenvey say that 9000RPM =350mm and proportionately 18,000RPM = 175mm. I mean, that's double one half the other, so does that mean for 4500 = 700mm?!...and if so, i work out that 6000 is approx 500mm!?
...and if David Walker claims that 4mm is enough to move the range....!!?????
aljkdklasjklhassfQKQCXCX....sorry, my brain went into a severe panic there. Can some please guide me on the path?!
Results so far...
On a side note, i've only bodged together this whole thing for testing, load of cable ties and some duct tape holding together a plenum (for MAF etc).
I will say that the first setup run I had only about 200mm length. This gave severe power loss and would top out at 45 in 2nd. ( reference.)
Secondly, I moved the plenum in front of the's about 650mm say? I was well over 60mph in second and got scared. I actually had to check i wasn't in 3rd, but it was revving it's little head off. Problem is it takes too long to get there!
Please help, advice needed!!