car wrote off


Ex. Club Member
was on my way 2 pick up my m8 defore the meet last nyt n the back end of my car swung out n a headed into 2 lap posts n now my cars a write off!! thankfully i got out safe only with a few bruises n sore neck but apart from that am fine.....wish i could say the same bout my car!!
whole front is EDITED n summit radiator n #### thats the thing tho a was doin bout 35 ish n ma car jss went skiddin out :s the guy behind me sed wit happend a told him n he jss drove away EDITED!
A lesson for you I suppose then mate. Shocking that the car slid at 35mph, must have been a tight corner, either that or very slippy.

Good effort taking out 2 lamp posts though ;)

If its just aesthetic damage, it might not be that much 2 repair.
R05_Micra said:
yo scottish mate, ya got ya grill yet?

Not yet mate - left before the postman arrived the day, will be in around half 4 so will let you know if its there.

Any pics of the damage fraz?
just goin to take some just now! 1 of ma cusins m8s says theres no point will be to much gettin it all fixed not worth it considerin a only payed 900 for the car
Sorry to hear that mate, nothing worse than crashing your pride and joy! before you decide not to do the work on it have a look on ebay at the parts you'd need, you'll be suprised how much you can bolt straight in, I know when i had one of my cars broken into i lost all interest in the car, it's like your car has been tainted!!!

I personally wold love a go at getting a car with a smash and doing a rebuild seen a couple on ebay but none have bee close enough! Well worth looking into!!

Hope your good and te car gets repaired, sold or goes to that ig cruise in heaven!
Either do an advanced reply and scroll down to the 'manage attachments' section, and upload the images there, or use the 'Image Hosting' option at the top of the MSC to host your images
glad ur ok, did ur airbag go off ? what is going on this month with us micra owners having accidents ! about 8 people on here have had somthing major go wrong with our cars.
theres some pics not to good becuase its parked behind my hut


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Sorry to hear about your accident...

unfortunately this time of year as well as leading upto Christmas the MSC forums are littered with crash and write off threads. It's the same of most forums this time of year brings a lot more crashes due to the hazadous driving conditions and it will even catch the best of drivers amongst us.

Roll on summer!

Unlucky man that is pretty bad, especially before the meet......

Fancy sending me your grill? No.....? was worth a try at least :(
You probably could repair that mate, new bonnet, lights, bumper, crossmember and possibly wings aswell. Aslong as its still ok underneath it might work out cheaper for you than going through insurance and having that on your back - especially as your only 18.
fraz_micra_88 said:
am no clamin the insurace man the insurance wid go through the rooof man just lookin at sum new cars the now a dunno tho

If your looking for a new car it would probably be cheaper to repair it, unless you want to drive something thats going to break down all the time.

Other way to look at it is to get a new car and strip the Micra.

You thinking about another Micra then? Maybe an SR?
Out of curiosity do you know why you lost control?

I don't think I've had my back end come out unless being stupid..... doesn't look like 35mph damage either.

I had an accident 2 years ago, where I hit the back of my mate, was similar damage to that but off center(as I tried to swerve out of his way), so my bonnet survived. Repaired car myself was closer to 50mph than 30mph though.

Ah well, sorry to hear about your car, as long as you know why it happened and you learn something from it, there's nothing wrong with it.
no idea man honest a dunno a wasent doin anythin stupid mite of hit the wheel a bit fast the road was slippery tho so that mite of been it! just stripped my car today it is well guttin:(