car insurance fraud

Yeah i watched that! Didnt know that kinda thing took place! Was amazed to see that guy swerving infront of that bus several times trying to get hit! I cant believe some of the things people will do for money
i was amazed at the money!, ppl going into other people sayin the was 5 ppl in the car and wasnt, then theres whiplash, trauma, loss of earnings while sick etc, this was amazing........

one man bought a rote-off merc for £4000, took it home and covered it with a tarpalin, left it 2 weeks, then, towed it to a car park and staged a mock crash, then got it towed home then claimed on it saying it was worth £25,000!!!!!! lucky they were onto him tho but its unreal! quentin wilson said "its easier and more profitable than selling drugs"!