car drinking petrol

Anto Modded

Ex. Club Member
Since i put the full decat system on and an induction kit, im only getting 160 - 180 to a tank of petrol. Where as before i was getting 300 - 350. Any way of solving this................or is it something i just have to get used to
have you remembered to plug the lambda back in?
it shouldnt of altered that much id check all your electrical connections around where youve been working you may have knocked something off and the ecu has gone into limp mode?
make sure youve not got an air leak in your inlet now youve changed it as the ecu may be trying to correct it by supplying extra fuel and upping consumption.
basically go over everything youve done so far and check every connection hopefully this might cure it without any further alterations being nescasarry.
my mpg was the same after fitting my janspeed system the car revved far more freely and had more go low down but actually slower maxed out.
i think you may need to have the car mapped though as youve basically made the breathing in and out far better but not matched it with correct fueling
connections are all greand, car goes like hell all through the range. One thing it might be is the induction cone, i put it on top of the throttle body temporarytill i can make something to get it to the front