Hi all, as the topic states, i have a brand new Nismo Clutch for serious applications. Clutch is in Australia. Price is AUD$600 plus postage. will send anywhere. please email [email protected]

how much in pounds
300 bar for a clutch,nooooooooooooooo chance lol
what sort of bhp will it hold??
For those that can't afford it please keep your comments to yourself, or buy your japanese parts from china. Research will tell you what these things cost. Sorry I dont mean to be arrogant, but its annoying when people make comments that have no comprehension of actual pricing. The cheapest i can find elsewhere is GBP404 including air shipping from japan. If you can prove to me that you can get the same product cheaper elsewhere........ let me know....I'll see what i can do.
its not a fact of not being able to afford it pal because i can, its the fact your only paying for a name and thats what annoys me when people put stuff up for sale at a stoopid price and you only pay for the fact its "nismo", wip tee doo lol, heres a name to look up for good clutches, xtd,never missed a beat with me like....
and stani, clutches tend to be rated by ability to hold torque, hence why nismo boy here cant find a bhp rating!!!!! id imagine if your gunna pay £300+ for a "nismo" clutch that it should last you about 6 times longer than a standard, would be interesting to see how many standing starts it copes with at crail lol