note was voted...imo the 309 and any other french car for that matter is a load of crap. why would you rather have a 309 over a micra? you take the mick out of saxo owners etc, but yet you like a 309??? french cars are all basiclly the same car. all carp and unreliable and car hold the road! fair engough i dont mind the looks of a saxo if its modded tastfully...but there still french crap!
oh and p.s why do you keep banging on about your old 309!? and also it beening a rare one? its dead now anyways so why bang on about it, and why would you want onother one??? personally i and iam sure other will agree 309's are crap! if you want one just buy may have spent alot on your micra but youll be spening more on the pug after it keeps having proplems!
....iam just speaking my mind.