Black smoke loss of power

hope someone can give me a good idea of what's happening to my car!?
the car is pumping out black smoke the second I rev high in gear and there is a loss of power too.
sickening I was told it was the clutch slipping and didn't realise the smoke was telling me something :( so I got a brand new clutch when it wasn't needed.
so I'm hoping (praying) this issue I have is not expensive, could anyone share their knowledge on this?
I wanna say particulate filter? ...but I honestly don't know :(

The only smoke I've ever had from my dci is white and that's only briefly when revving high in 1st and 2nd gears.

Our old diesel Citroën used to chuck out plumes of black smoke when revving, but I can't remember if there was ever anything actually wrong with it?

Do you have plenty of oil?

Sorry, I'm not very helpful am I...
I am steve and black smoke is usually egr valve mate it possibly clogged with carbon and wants cleaning out or may need replacing but id try cleanin first
I am steve and black smoke is usually egr valve mate it possibly clogged with carbon and wants cleaning out or may need replacing but id try cleanin first
before I try cleaning it, I have just came home and noticed a liquid underneath the car which I believe to be oil? I have no warning lights on the car like I normal have when there is no oil and I did a dipstick check and it seems ok? would this still be linked to an egr valve or would you say this sounds worse now?
are you sure its not blue smoke john ? turbo shaft wear ?
I took this down to my local garage and the mechanic advised it could be something to do with the turbo diesel? this costly because I'm in two minds about a new car due to all the repairs this car has went through :(
so I've had to put my car down :( was a tough choice but the mechanic advised my turbo diesel had seized up and needed replaced! lesson learned I hadn't checked my oil a lot and only filled it up when my oil light stayed on and turns out this could have been the reason it seized! was costing just about 1000 to fix and tbh spent so much on it now I just felt it was time for the big scrapyard in the sky! memories forever!
hi there,
i kind of have a similar problem.
i have a k11 from 2000
Since yesterday that it has something like sobs. He fails to idle when i step on the accelerator he sends a lot of black smoke. I replaced the candles and cleaned the butterfly and changed the lambda probe. I do not know what else to do. it´s a european version of the car and i´m Portugese so be kind on my english please :)

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