Be careful of spiders!


» CMF Member
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There are about 4 redbacks living underneath my car due to the time the car spent just sitting out the back of the exhaust shop.

I let a heap of spray go up there, but only seemed to kill one. I thought that must have been all of them..

But now more webs are back.. They are joining fresh webs between the car and the ground again..

Today, I was taking a couple of photos, and I took this one kind of looking back up at the car. Then when I came inside, I noticed in the photo, hey look at the big stick insect under my car! So I went out to the car and crouched down and looked under there, he's there, but he's dead and stuck in a redback's web, and this BIG MOTHER redback is sucking his brains out. Scary stuff, I had my hands up in that area just a few days ago.

Can't make out the redback in this photo, he's too dark or something, but he's bloody decent size in real life.

Time to get one of those spray bombs and let it off under the car like a big nuke to pump them all out!!! I would recommend doing this, especially in Canberra where redbacks are everywhere.


» CMF Member
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Allright, this doesn't really get the point across does it.

I'll go and take a real close up shot of this sucker, even to show his red back! Stay tuned..


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» CMF Member
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Hey! Phew, nah I made it..

But here is the big guy, check him out on blue monster..


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» CMF Member
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She's a big bugger!

Reminds me of what a certain Micra will do to the 'big guns' of Canberra when its on the road...

I love the Macro mode on your camera dude!



» CMF Member
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Heh yeah scary huh.

Was hard to get enough room under there to really point the lens at it properly and hold it still, that's why the photo came out pretty blury. You don't want to get too close to this guy :)


» CMF Member
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Allright, the garage is all closed off and 3 insect bombs are dumping a massive chemical nuke right now.



» CMF Member
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Allright, 3 more redbacks dead and gone including mr Big Guy pictured above..

Also two other assorted no-name brand spiders.

And a whole pile of webs and Mr dead stick insect and all his rotting pieces.

Be gone!

CMF_White Knight

» CMF Member
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Cisco's garage now a sterile zone.
Man thats a big redback.Oh well in keeping with the monster image. Thousands of em in Brissie but never knew they were running riot in Canberra.Still if politicians can live there guess redbacks feel at home.Plenty in Japan also.
They arrived via shipping containers they reckon and have spread all over the place. One of our better exports.



» CMF Member
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Oh they inhabit pretty much the whole of australia. Along with dozens of other similarly deadly spiders and snakes.

So when are you planning your holiday here knival? :p


» CMF Member
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Its common for lots of people to get bitten by these suckers and recover ok. Emergency treatment highly desirable otherwise its a bit of a punt, but I know a couple of people been bitten by redbacks and they were fine.

If you're healthy etc, you'll probably be fine, but probably get very sick etc. Yeah it can kill you, but you hardly hear of anyone dieing from a redback bite thesedays.

Funnel webs are worse, but luckily none of those in Canberra.

Redbacks seem to own Canberra, they are literally EVERYWHERE. Extremely common.

CMF_White Knight

» CMF Member
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Good old Aussie full of nasties. Every breed of snake in Tassie is deadly.No safe ones.Also a type of an ant called a Jack Jumper,jaws on it like a lobster. Some people if bitten are highly allergic and if not treated quick can die.
Of course good old Northern Australia with heaps of crocs, snakes, spiders, box jellyfish, sea snakes, stone fish,and of course the man in the grey flannel suit ( sharks). Oh fogot that little sucker the blue ringed octypus which is probably one of the deadlist. Found in rock pools as you go fossicking around. Mossies,sandflies, stinging ants, leeches, scorpions,gee the list goes on and on. Come to Australia for a worry free holiday. How do we all survive?
Better go nuke that garage again Cisco.
I would get that redback encased in resin and as suggested get it mounted on top of the gear knob.That would make for quick gear changes !! Good deterent for anyone trying to steal Bluey as well.


» CMF Member
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bloody Dropbears. They'll bite your head off and suck on your brain. Well the ones in QLD do anyways, and if one does, your mental capacity is diminished by 80%. A whole town was infested with these bastards up here, it was sad for Ipswich. lol


» CMF Member
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Yoiks, blue rings are evil.

I've seen a couple first hand in the Morisset area new Lake Macquarie near Newcastle. They really light up and glow at night time when you disturb them. That was when I was heaps young.. The water seems so much murkier around there thesedays.


» CMF Member
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Yeah I'm not too keen on them myself, but they just can't survive my garage nuke warfare.

You seriously don't step on and run into spiders every single day over here. Its like you might see something like this once a month or even less often. You can go looking for redbacks at night time and find one pretty easily in Canberra, they always come out onto their webs at night.

But yeah I've had experiences of almost stepping on big brown snakes and walking into massive spiders webs with some big bush spider fully spread out in the web and he gets on my shirt etc. That freaked me out, I turned into a tornado and smashed everything and jumped and rolled until I was sure nothing could be on me any more. But to look down at see some big mother like THIS on your shirt yeah it wasn't a pleasant situation.


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» CMF Member
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Brown snakes are the ones that can chase you if you aggrevate them or they are scared. They are one of the most poisonous snakes in the world aswell, not quite as poisonous as taipans and tigers which we have both of those too.

I was walking along this flattended grass/dirt track about 6 weeks ago, carrying my fishing rod. This track was parallel to the Molonglo river in the ACT. I was looking for a good entry spot to get down to the river to fish. I am paranoid about snakes anyway, so I was already constantly scouring the track in front of me just in case..
Also for some stupid reason I only had shorts and thongs on. And you just can't afford to be doing that! Idiot!

After a while, my eyes kind of flash and blink because this big long brown mother starts moving and he's 4 feet in front of me to my left and I was about to keep stepping/walking. Holy ****!!! Lucky his head was facing away from the track, and it was his tail facing near me. I did the worst thing that you should never do: panic and run fast back in the other direction yelling out. I grabbed shortcake and almost through her back the other way we were going saying "RUN!!". Lucky the snake didn't care and he scurried off. But apparently brown snakes *can* chase you if you run. If you stay still, they can't see you, they can only detect movement basically, and have very poor vision if objects stay still. That ruined the day and because I only had shorts/thongs on, I went home and gave up on the fishing.

Seen a number of other snakes around the place, they're certainly out there, and pretty easy to go find one in the bush on a hot day (like today) if you really are determined to.


» CMF Member
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"I turned into a tornado and smashed everything and jumped and rolled until I was sure nothing could be on me any more"

Hahaha. I hate bugs, I do this everytime i go camping, be it a spider, some huge mosquito or whatever. I got a tick on my shoe once (not on me) but i freaked out and took my shoe off and threw it quite far :(


CMF_White Knight

» CMF Member
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Them red bellied black snakes are the worst down here. In spring when the males are looking for a mate they back down to nothing. Will even chase you.
Sorry only good snake is a dead one.
Is it harmless variety?? Who cares just bash the ****ter out of it. Anyway as said all snakes down here are very poisonous so no need to ask.


» CMF Member
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I got chased by a swamp tiger snake once.

Also nearly stepped on the biggest redbelly black you have ever seen when i was camping once. Was like a bloody carpet snake. Unfortunately she was too close to our campsite for comfort and my grandfather finished her off with a lead injection to the head.

I live right next to a large bushland reserve and 100m away from a scrubby creek. I see lots of snakes. :(


» CMF Member
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i'd sell my car if i found a redback on it. lol

we have a lot of redbacks in both the front and back yard, especially in the shed, etc.

i think there was a trapdoor spider in the frontyard but a lot of spray and a spade soon fixed that.

i really hate spiders, they freak me out big time.

sure huntsman spiders are harmly and only eat flies etc but those big buggers scare me every time. *shivers*

gimme a snake anyday.


» CMF Member
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When i was still living at home, i had a shower. and i got out, dried myself, and proceded to put my clothes on.
As i dragged on my last item of clothing on i felt something move????
I stopped and waited for any more movement.
*oh my god what is that*
i moved faster then i can ever remember.
thru down my shorts and under-pants and there sitting in my undies was the biggest huntsman you have ever seen.
my heart was beating so fast.