Bad luck. Poop.


» CMF Member
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Anyone ever parked under a tree, then in the morning find it very lightly raining and a number of birds have pooped on your drivers side window? I have. This morning. The rain was so light that it wasnt washing off the bird poo, and because it was wet, the poo was wet too. As i turned on the wipers for the rain, the poo got smeared ALL over my window. I was driving while trying not to throw up it was that gross. I really need to fill my washer bottle up sometime soon.

Lesson: Keep your washer bottle FULL at all times.
Lesson: Dont park under trees. Birds and drop-bears inhabit them. And we all know how deadly those drop-bears are.

On a further note: Im sitting here at 12am ona saturday night baking muffins and drinking red wine, because my mates are all off at invite only parties and my girl is clubbing with her friends.
Lesson: Get more friends. :(


» CMF Member
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Aren't you lucky you have us to talk to :p

I'd swap your birds poo and drop bears for my peacock any day. The bloody thing is only attracted to shiny objects aka my micra. There it sits on my bonnet, preening itself for the girlfriend that never comes along. And, if you go to shoo it off, it skates across your paintwork with its claws bared, leaving horrid scratches in its wake. Yeh give me bird **** any old time.


» CMF Member
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Haha poor tom. Lesson #3 is being learnt by this particular tom as well. :p

Need to do things. Shame I really can't be stuffed dispensing money on going out, etc.

Red wine and muffins? What the hell - I didn't know you were french!

Have you considered mabye just going to sleep? I find that to be an effective time wasting strategy. The other goo time waster is to sit infront of youtube/google video/metacafe/etc watching top gear videos. Or videos of people just hurting themselves. Entertaining and time consuming ftw.


» CMF Member
Member since:

Red wine and muffins? What the hell - I didn't know you were french!

Well, red wine leads to silly drunken things, muffins came in a eay-to-make-pack and i was hungry. Was the most eye catching thing in the pantry.

As for going to sleep, no way! I waited till 2am and my g/f rang and said she was coming over! Woot! Turned out to be a fun night after all.

micragirl, why on earth do you have a peacock? :D haha.