Micra 110
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Sorry if this is a bit long winded :blush:
I had a problem with the running of the Car and i think it was something to do with the Autochoke but i wasn't quite sure.
(Good tip?: Normally before starting the Car i press down on the Accelerator which is when you hear a 'Click' sound under the Bonnet, i believe this to be the Autochoke, i do this to save Petrol but i don't know whether this works or not......fwn )
......Whilst taking off the Carburettor i noticed that the wire on the Anti dieseling Valve was broken
So i thought i'll just exchange the Carb with another working one. Then there was a problem. On this particular model K10 the Electrical plugs on the Carb are Grey where as the ones on the Spare are White. (see Pic)
So after a bit of swopping and soldering i then replaced the Carb.
Put Everything back and started the Car. I did a road test and everything was ok.
Today i start it up and it starts Revving like a goodun'
Checked the Petrol and Vacuum Hoses, Connectors, Bolts, Nuts etc but couldn't see anything wrong.....but heres the crunch....
I had to remove the Autochoke housing on both to do the soldering.
Autochoke Housing.....
There is a Spring in the Housing that goes 'twang' (Long sticky uppy bit) when you take it off...does it not? :laugh:
Photo of Autochoke in it's set position on Notch 2
Butterfly Closed...
....and when Throttle has been applied....
Butterfly open.....
Now here's the BIG question.....
Does the 'Tang' (Sticky uppy bit) on the Spring, sit in between the Levers at the top?
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I had a problem with the running of the Car and i think it was something to do with the Autochoke but i wasn't quite sure.
(Good tip?: Normally before starting the Car i press down on the Accelerator which is when you hear a 'Click' sound under the Bonnet, i believe this to be the Autochoke, i do this to save Petrol but i don't know whether this works or not......fwn )
......Whilst taking off the Carburettor i noticed that the wire on the Anti dieseling Valve was broken

So i thought i'll just exchange the Carb with another working one. Then there was a problem. On this particular model K10 the Electrical plugs on the Carb are Grey where as the ones on the Spare are White. (see Pic)

So after a bit of swopping and soldering i then replaced the Carb.
Put Everything back and started the Car. I did a road test and everything was ok.
Today i start it up and it starts Revving like a goodun'
Checked the Petrol and Vacuum Hoses, Connectors, Bolts, Nuts etc but couldn't see anything wrong.....but heres the crunch....
I had to remove the Autochoke housing on both to do the soldering.
Autochoke Housing.....

There is a Spring in the Housing that goes 'twang' (Long sticky uppy bit) when you take it off...does it not? :laugh:

Photo of Autochoke in it's set position on Notch 2

Butterfly Closed...

....and when Throttle has been applied....

Butterfly open.....

Now here's the BIG question.....
Does the 'Tang' (Sticky uppy bit) on the Spring, sit in between the Levers at the top?

All replys will be muchos appreciasos