Australia Day!


» CMF Member
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Happy Australia Day!!!

Aussie Aussie Aussie...



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CMF_White Knight

» CMF Member
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Neat. Yes Happy Australia Day everyone.
Having seen a lot of the world and lived overseas all I can say we live in one of the best countries on earth.
Sure we moan about this and that but comapred to so many other countries we are in paradise and drive mighty Micras!!



» CMF Member
Member since:

I know its patriotic and all, but do you really have to have our flag on your bonnet?

Gah... Drawbacks of being a hardcore scout in the day, things like mis-use of the flag annoy you haha. :p


» CMF Member
Member since:
Misuse?! No way! :)

Id get fined for hanging it off my antenna...
So the bonnet is the safer option i spose. theres alot of tape under the bonnet holding it on!

Even with all the riots and crap thats happened to me and my micra this year, Id still say Australia is like, totally rad.


» CMF Member
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Indeed there is no place quite like home. When I'm overseas and I see those planes with the big red tail with a kangaroo on it i get tingles down my spine and goosebumps all over, because what I am seeing is a piece of Australia.

Back to my point about the flag though, I put my Assistant Patrol Leader on report when i caught her folding the flag up on the ground. :p


» CMF Member
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Hi Toma,

Yes, your car has the LX/SLX model front bumper. The standard Super S bumper includes two driving lights and looks a bit different (see the picture in my profile).

I think "Rocket" mentioned a while back they cost around $450 brand new (unpainted) from Nissan dealers.

You could always add your own driving lights into your existing bumper and end up with a similar result....


» CMF Member
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Yeh sounds like a better idea makes :) Ive been looking at different driving lights lately. Might attach some rally navaras on there ;)

And Yom... i find that kinda rude, saying my car is imperfect or that its a problem. Its just a variation, that still works. If thats what you were trying to say at least.


» CMF Member
Member since:
Okey <:)

I guess the Australia day flag over the bonnet was ment to be a rip off of the old Minis with the Union jack on their roofs. A cheeky + proud car which is what i see in the micra. Not an uber-race car but a cute little car for taking the quick way home (aka, driving down alleyways when its all clear) and nipping around corners with ease. If i could afford it, Id get an aussie flag on my roof! :)