Are you a Micra friendly driver?

yesterday as i was driving home and i notice that i was only giving way to micra drivers i aint i mean driver and dont give way to anyone but micra's but i think i more likely to give way to a micra driver then anyone else lol.

does anyone else do that or shall i just call the cab now and go home? lol

Im usually micra friendly but there's alot of bad micra drivers out there which usually makes me far from friendly when im out on the roads!
i think its somethin to do with all the old doddery old dears let me out coz they think im a 70 year old chap goin shopping so i tend to let them out. if i look at them and i know that there gonna be goin 20 in a 40 then i dont.
I tend to give way and have repsect for a car when you know the driver know's his cars by what he is driving, e.g. Evo's. IMO if you want a performance saloon you buy an evo if you know ur stuff and a scoobie if you dont, an Audi S4/RS4 if you do and a BMW M3 if you dont, lol! Don't know if anyone else would agree?
Grant said:
come on arnold what gets on your nerves?

People that dont indicate e.g. especially when pulling over to park.. they just stop dead infront of you.

People in left hand lanes going right at roundabouts etc

People that cant park - how many times you wanna reverse in that space? Should be in, bang and job done.

People that drive too slow - its 60 etc for a reason!

All female 4x4 owners - you cant drive it, you dont need to drive it

Mercedes & Mondeo LX drivers

People that hog the middle lane - especially if im overtaking on the outside and got some porsche up my bum - i need to pull back into get out the way but some silly old sod's just sitting there plodding along not realising he's got a whole lane free - this is usually why i undertake alot (and no doubt get in trouble for it one day)

people that drive up my arse!! Just because i have a sporty spoiler doesnt mean you're gonna make me go any faster

Im trying to get a bit more relaxed behind the wheel, but it just takes one stupid git to wind you up and thats it. I never get violent etc, just take it out on the horn instead

Looking back at the above, i didnt realise i was annoyed by so many things!
well i have to say on that one that i agree with you on everyone of them apart from nearly smashing into the back of a 10.

the worst i think is not indicating and middle lane drivers
i think i'm more "woman" friendly - if she's hot, let her in!


However if it's a BMW driver - no matter how nice the lady is there never getting out! i hate BMW's.
Yeah, I find I am more Micra friendly. Will let them pull out or whatever if I see one. Don't seem to do it with Renaults though,lol.
im only micra friendly if i dont have to sit behind them afterwards (coz of how slow the elderly drive)... people that annoy me the most at the moment are those who beleive they can sit in the fast lane of a national limit (70) doing 50/60 mph when the slow lane is clear, just beucase they drive a bmw/etc...
Yep, I let Micras out. And modded / Jap performance stuff too. :grinning: But never ever 4x4s or Beemers. :blush:

Does p' me off a bit when people slam on their brakes to let someone out, I'll do it if it's safe to slow down a bit, or if the traffic's not moving fast anyway, but not just for the sake of letting someone out.
yer but but you can still give them a run for there money. i beat a BMW off the light's in me 1.0lt till i got to third and then it was bye bye micra lol.
I dont think i'm Micra friendly, i usually only let people out if i know that they would be stuck on my tail for miles if i didn't, in my Triumph people seem to let me out alot more than the micra :D
im sick of other drivers, i stopped caring i dont give way to anyone. They dont care about me so i dont give them any leeway back
I'm def Micra friendly, well.... most of the time, as others say it depends who's driving!!!! If the driver looks awake and ready to pull out i'll normally let them but if they look half asleep they can wait lol. I let a a few other car's out but not too many, only occasionally performance car's coz the driver's r normally too stuck up to say thank you!!!!! And people that don't say thank's really #### me off!!!!!!! :wasntme:
i give way to white K11s, and any one that is the same colour as mine cuz there arent that many about. and red K10s. but thats about it. people dont give way to me, and sit on my arse because im in a micra and they are in their "big powerful" corsa (sorry pad!) with their bit bodykit and shopping list down the side so they can just stay on my exhaust until i feel like slamming my breaks on and oops you seem to have written off my car!

sorry, what was my point?

oh yeah, im micra friendly :D
Layla said:
with their bit bodykit and shopping list down the side

i like it, that put a big smile on my face :grinning:

yer me to i hate people that dont say thanks. and if anyone dont say thanks sod everyone else for the rest of the day. he he.