

Micra K11ng
Right - to set a few things straghit here.

Mainly to appoligise for my random outbursts, childish behaviour and slagging off i've been doing for the past wee while. It not normally like me.
Many diffrent things have been happening to me that aren't exactly cool at the moment, and when i come on here i see people posting up stuff thats to me is crap so therefore i start to slag and moan.
This is not what the MSC and me are about. I'm one of the more popular members here, have good friends and think alot of this place. Have a very cool car, and if it wasn't for some of the people on this site, it wouldn't exsist.

So if i have annoyed/offended any one i'm sorry. Its always good to speak your mind but i'll shut up for a while and i'll grow up a bit.

Cheers - Titch :kungfu:
Hey man jus relax and chill out a bit, i know some of the stuff thats been happening and you know im only a fonecall away if ur needing me! Uv been there for me wen iv needed someone mate, its wat friends are for at the end of the day! dnt be scared to gimmi a shout buddy!

Daz :alien:
Titch said:
I'm one of the more popular members here:

good lad titch, even though your only 2 foot tall you toe'd the line and showed yourself to be a big character - well done - and a modest one at that!


Yeah if you need a manhug you know where im at!
Hehe, I wouldn't worry about it fella. :) You still have alot of good mates on here who will stick by ya, and be there for you to talk to, that includes me too. :D