anyone here work for T-Mobile?

I'm trying to find out if the friends & family discount would be carried over to the full monty price plans.

I'm currently on a f&f discount on my old Flext35 plan with them, and when I called to get an upgrade was told that the discount isn't allowed on the full monty plans. However, I know of at least one person who has done exactly that (albeit, a few months ago). Besides, the guy I spoke to was a git and wasn't very helpful; he wouldn't even let me speak to someone in management to get a definite answer, then he just hung up when I said I wasn't going to upgrade until I found out. Still, left him a less than glowing review when t-mob sent me a bunch of texts about how he handled my call :D

Can anyone (that works for them, or knows someone that works for them) confirm if the discount carries over to the full monty price plans or not?

Please don't tell me to go ask the person who initially got me the discount in the first place, as that was over 6 years ago and they don't work for t-mob anymore. Also, f&f discounts before 2006 are for as long as the person (that has the discount) stays with t-mob, which is why my discount is still running.

Or, is there anyone on here that has upgraded with t-mob recently onto one of the full monty plans with a f&f discount like the one person that I know?

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