any ideas-engine knocks @ pickup

CMF_Mike R

» CMF Member
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from what i can gather there is no advance retard mechanism in the dizzy so its all done by the emu , my engine used to pink on hot days before the MAF got changed ...


» CMF Member
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thanks for the comment mike. man the car gave me another good rag on Friday.came to friends place to get some movies and as was about to head back home the i made a turn to the right and suddenly the steering got stuck in the middle cant turn left.absolutely stuck.had to get down a carrier truck in the pouring rain past 8.30pm sent it to a garage and take a taxi day the mech tells me the god dam str rack is jammed and had to be replaced.first time something like this ever happen to me.


» CMF Member
had similar problem with mums pulsar, steering went suddenly stiff as i was going up a farm driveway, when i turned up at a local steering service (after being told it needed a new rack) to pick the car up the mechanic was test driving it. There was still something wrong, it was still tight, turned out to be a small knuckle joint above steering rack, still charged me full price for the recoed rack and threw in the 2nd hand knuckle he got from wreckers 4 free, "wata prick?"