» CMF MemberYou won't believe this one.
Its been bugging me for a coupla months now.
The bolt at the bottom of the left rear shock absorber which bolts it onto the axle was not loose, but not locked tight. So the shock was ever so slightly rebounding up and down around the bolt making a very loud bang bang bang.
Just tightened her up lock tight, and now its completely fixed.
Wow there's something amazing about going for a drive without any rattles. My official rattle list is down to about 5 in total now. And 4 of them are easy to fix.
Mighty: I sussed out why the clutch pedal started vibrating when we were driving that other night. When we were out launching and I cooked the clutch a coupla times, I've heated it up and bent the fingers a little bit. So the vibration is the uneven heights of the fingers tingling against the release bearing and being transmitted up through the cable to the pedal. Damn!
Clutch still feels perfect, just vibrates. I've asked Errol if his 190mm ones now have the thicker heavier duty fingers. That would be an improvement, but apart from that, I'll just live with the clutch for now or try to dampen the pedal a bit more so its more noise proof.
Its been bugging me for a coupla months now.
The bolt at the bottom of the left rear shock absorber which bolts it onto the axle was not loose, but not locked tight. So the shock was ever so slightly rebounding up and down around the bolt making a very loud bang bang bang.
Just tightened her up lock tight, and now its completely fixed.
Wow there's something amazing about going for a drive without any rattles. My official rattle list is down to about 5 in total now. And 4 of them are easy to fix.
Mighty: I sussed out why the clutch pedal started vibrating when we were driving that other night. When we were out launching and I cooked the clutch a coupla times, I've heated it up and bent the fingers a little bit. So the vibration is the uneven heights of the fingers tingling against the release bearing and being transmitted up through the cable to the pedal. Damn!