Another batch of spams.


» CMF Member
We seem to be getting another run of spammers again. I've killed a 1/2 dozen over the last few days.

We really need to set up one of those 'human' filters to stop the bots and other undesirables.

Cisco if your reading this the site needs more fine tuning.



» CMF Member
Member since:
When'd you get bumped up to being an Admin, Mychael? Last time I looked you were a mod I thought :p You are right though, the site desperately needs a captcha or pretty much any kind of user validataion. The only saving grace for this place is that it's custom-made, but protection through obscurity only works for so long as we've seen and we really do need a more effective solution. Some more active admins as wouldn't hurt either.



» CMF Member
I was never actually 'informed' either (though I'm happy to help) one day I just logged in and saw I'd been given an 'in the field' promotion as it were.

I'm sure I recall you saying sometime ago your we getting more spams as fast you could delete them, maybe you were a mod??



» CMF Member
Member since:
As cisco has said before, The site as it is cant be changed easy to include the features needed to stop the bots and spammers. It might be time to migrate the site onto one of the mainstream forum formats but then I kinda like the look of the forum now. On another note, Can you new admins change the main page news? Eg update it with news such as the new K13?