amp/sub wiring

i have a 1997 micra gx
i bought one of these pioneer the other day

My ice consists of
pioneer 2 pre out head unit
1000watt fusion amp
1000watt fusion subwoofer
450watt wiring

1. i have connected my 12v red wire to the battery but no power is getting through the wire when i test it?

2. the remote line from the head unit to the amp, does this connect to the remote control wire off the head unit or aerial?

3. earthing the amp do i need to earth anything else?

I have that headunit, good when you get used to it :)

With regards to the 12v have you used a continuity tester?

The remote wire can go into any power source that becomes live when the ingnition is turned on, but I believe this unit has a blue wire labelled remote.

No you only need to earth the amp, I used the seat mounts :)
Yeah i find it great for value for money.:)
If a continuity tester is a tester that tests for 12 volts with the two needle things...then yes

yes it does but i read somewhere the aerial is used , i connected them and nothing happened apparently this turns on the amp?

yeah i used the black hinge on the seat will that do?
No a continuity tester bleeps if it's in a continuous circuit ie a cable but idf it's broken it won't bleep. Hmmmm what does the manual say?

Yeah make sure you sand down to bare metal or the whole thing won't work.

Do you have a fuse in your 12v line?
could a bad earth be stopping the whole amp working:eek:
oh i didnt do that , what mount you talking about now, the seat to car or seat backing corner mount at bottom?

yep theres a 40 amp fuse:)
well we gave the amp a better earth and tested at the amp for power and there is across the 12v and earth connectors. Now the remote wire ,we removed it to check for power and it will turn the red amp light on when touched in certain places so we taught it was a connection behind the radio not giving full power. Turns out the old earth was just sitting there and not connected so we connected that. Then we looked for a better power source for the remote wire and we left it at that , what colour is the main power into the radio do you know? were stumped at why it wont kick into life:rolleyes:
the should be a manual with a head unit, or printed onto the side it should say what each colour of wire does what. for the remote your looking for a blue cable that runs approx. 0.2-0.3v literally just an on signal. power cable into the head unit is normally red
U can check if the remote lead is the problem by bridging the +ve and rem on the amp.
Red: battery to +ve on amp ( fused )
Blk: earth amp to car body.
Other: remote or auto antenna on head unit to rem on amp.
Make sure no wiring is touching the body of the amp or it will go into protection mode.

Should work.

May be a silly question but does the h/u have a setting to turn sub channel on/off. My sony does.
we got it going lads, it was a bad 12v connection. I find the subwoofer very boomy off beat compared to when i had it in the house. Ill have to adjust the amp . Rear speakers arent working off the amp so thats the next problem and it may be driaining the battery , ill find out later haha
Bare wire, its fine if the coating touches. I reckon ur amp is going into protection mode due to the red light, i believe the light should be green if operating normally.
It a 2 channel monblock. Basically means u cabt run your rear speaker off it because they will get the same low frequencys that the subs receive, they wont last 5 mins.

Run all the "car speakers" from the h/u, just amp the subs.

I find that I have most of the h/u bass settings quite low, mid and treble very high; and just let the amp/sub deal with the deep notes. That way no savage bass note will blow the car speakers apart
Oh i see. hopefully my speakers arent blown already ha! will check now. okay i will disconnect my speakers from it. will set it up like that now thanks alot
thank you very much i went out and adjusted it all by removing the connection to speakers, i also adjusted the hz down to 50hz with a base now of 3 rather than 5 giving it a deeper tone and crisper . I then turned to the amp and turned up the base boost, level and hz and it all sounds good now. Just have to buy new speaker wiring and the jobs a goodn!:)

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