Airport chaos

Apparently it is the flights between the US and the UK that have been worst affected. I have a friend flying to Norway today so I will call him later and see if the delays have affected him. At the end of the day tho, I would rather be delayed than dead.
jarthur05 said:
at the end of the day tho, I would rather be delayed than dead.

Definitly! Ive been following it all morning and its total chaos. No inbound flights in heathrow, many flights cancelled.

Paddy, im flying to edinburgh to pick up the super s! easyjet who im with, are cancelling flights here there and everywhere.. but hopefully they'l be running ok tomorrow.
iv just smilled to mysellf in the sanwhich shop i overheard a few guys talking "Screw them they can disrupt what they want im going on holiday if i have to wait 6 hours or not im going" lol the great british resolve!! they can put the biggest que on earth infront of us and well grin and bear it!!
the other thing that annoys me in a situation like this are the people who blame it on the airline staff when it clearly isnt their fault !
Not sure how relavent this is going to be to Arnold but its been announced that all Easyjet short haul flights from Gatwick, Luton and Standstead have been cancelled today, no news about tomorrow though, but certainly worth checking out.....
Little clip from

Cancelled flights 10 August 2006
EZY5493 London Gatwick - Prague
EZY5494 Prague - London Gatwick
EZY5133 London Gatwick - Barcelona
EZY5134 Barcelona - London Gatwick
EZY703 London Gatwick - Edinburgh
EZY704 Edinburgh - London Gatwick
Cheers guys, fingers crossed for tomorrow. Predictably, all lines engaged at easyjet so cant find out anything. Conflicting reports flying around all over the place - all gatwick flights stopped, then they're not!! dont think anyone has a clue whats going on.

Ive just checked with the trains (as an alternative) and they're all booked up. Grrr!! I think we're just gonna have to go to the airport and chance it, but its not looking good

BMI are begnning to cancel flights for tomorrow, im sure it wont be long before others follow suit.
ollie240585 said:
Best of luck arnold, hope u can get that flight! U need that ride to make the ULTIMATE K10!!!

??Hmmm, just you wait.......................................

Im (hopefully) flying to America in 3 weeks... so I hope they allow us hand luggage because that flight is really boring o_O

Good luck with the car Arnold, im surprised your not driving Ems up with you instead of flying!
Turtle said:

Im (hopefully) flying to America in 3 weeks... so I hope they allow us hand luggage because that flight is really boring o_O

Good luck with the car Arnold, im surprised your not driving Ems up with you instead of flying!
I'm flying to Italy in 2 weeks as well, I hope they allow electronics on board too, but I reckon it's not gonna happen!
Turtle said:

Im (hopefully) flying to America in 3 weeks... so I hope they allow us hand luggage because that flight is really boring o_O

Good luck with the car Arnold, im surprised your not driving Ems up with you instead of flying!

My girlfriend flys to Florida in 4 weeks so i hope its all cleared up by then, i'd be worried sick during the time she was travelling.
Well, the flight was cancelled so we're not going anywhere! Going to try arranging a train or something up in a couple of weeks time.