ABS Removal


» CMF Member
Member since:
Have purchased all the metal brakes lines from inside the engine bay of an SLX (non ABS) micra, along with the brass junction fitting and the master cylinder and brake booster unit.

Going to remove all my ABS lines and install this non ABS gear to remove my ABS properly. Considered the B-Crews ABS removal joiners, but the problem with that is people seeing that you have removed your ABS (cops, engineers, rego etc) and also it still leaves the lines in the way.

This way everything looks and is 100% stock and legitimate.

So can't wait to get all that in there. Should simplify and clean the whole setup up considerably. Not to mention how much removing the ABS saves..


» CMF Member
Member since:
Hmm good question. No idea I guess.

I wouldn't mind keeping it just incase I ever got busted and had to re-install it.

If its not worth much to sell, then I'll keep it. If it was worth a bit to sell, then I might consider it.