micra man
Golf GTi Turbo
Well you all know the problems that I had with the micra and how that is now undriveable, and some of you may know that I purchased a cheap clio with no MOT. Well first of all it took more money than I thought it would to get it through its MOT. Most of the stuff me and my dad could have done but cos I needed it for my new job today, we got the garage to do it. Ok, problem solved you would think... until tonight after work, me and my girlfriend were going bowling when the car breaks on the way there!!!
Had to get it towed AGAIN, and now its sat in the back garden. We think the cam belt has gone so it may mean that the engine is knackered altogether, meaning I'm back at square 1, except now I have 2 non-running cars instead of just 1. I hate cars, I'm sick of them and I am so annoyed its just funny at the moment!!! Still gotta laugh about it I guess, otherwise I'd cry. Anyways, I'm off to bed, got an early start tomorrow morning, luckily my wonderful girlfriend has offered me a lift, what a lifesaver!!! Nite all from a seriously ######ed off me!!!