#3 injector help!


» CMF Member
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Hey guys
Picked up a 95 slx micra last night

Have found that it is only running on 3 cylinders. Have checked everything and it has come down to #3 fuel injector doesn't seem to be firing.

I went to the wreckers and picked up another injector rack and it the car won't start at all with that!

There is power to the injector (checked with test light) however the pulse seems to be slightly dimmer than the rest of the injectors.

Just wondering what the problem might be?
Is there a sensor of fuse that could be causing this?

I suck at explaining things sorry lol



» CMF Member
Member since:
frank2 WROTE:

"you could check the rail is spraying onto some cardboard maybe ?

thanks mate! tried this today, turns out it is actually expelling fuel so the injector isn't dead.

this brings me down to wondering what else it could be?
I pulled the rocker cover off and noticed a very bad colour in the oil, it's slightly milky brown which leads me to wonder if i have a head gasket problem... That still shouldn't be causing a cylinder to not fire though...

Could it perhaps be a bent valve?
Will get a compression tester tomorrow if it may be that.


» CMF Member
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Pull the plugs and take a look, that might help identify the issue. Milky looking oil in the rocker cover can just be condensation mixing with the oil.


» CMF Member
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How can you tell that it does not fire?
If there is a prob. with the head-gasket and there is no compression
in the cylinder you will feel it like that.I suggest you measure the compression first and if it is OK,then start looking for other issues.If you have a spark,and fuel there should not be other reason to not fire!