1st gear Rev cut.


» CMF Member
Member since:
they guys this morning was late for work.....only 1st gear if i floor it, rev will cut at 3-4k then suddenly comes right back. seems to only happen in at max torque. what do you reckon the issue is b4 i start taking it apart...cheers (oh is was my mates honda by the way :p )


» CMF Member
Member since:
mycra WROTE:

"they guys this morning was late for work.....only 1st gear if i floor it, rev will cut at 3-4k then suddenly comes right back. seems to only happen in at max torque. what do you reckon the issue is b4 i start taking it apart...cheers (oh is was my mates honda by the way :p )

LOL talk english then maybe we can help


» CMF Member
Member since:
sikK11 WROTE:

"mycra WROTE:

"they guys this morning was late for work.....only 1st gear if i floor it, rev will cut at 3-4k then suddenly comes right back. seems to only happen in at max torque. what do you reckon the issue is b4 i start taking it apart...cheers (oh is was my mates honda by the way :p )"</div>

LOL talk english then maybe we can help

my bad lol. figured what the problem was LOW FUEL TANK!!!! the gauge is stuffed....lol