have been told that I should put a blog on about my little k10,
this is when I first picked the ol' girl up.
I didn't get the wheels with the sale as for some reason they were valued at 300 quid for Weller's with bald Tyre's. so they were put on steelies
car had tax and test and had to go to Brighton to pick her up
nice and clean example of a car that had been well looked after with, "no expense paid" ill explain more about that later
so I hadn't passed my test at the time so she just sat on the drive for a month
when I finally passed my test she was a 'brilliant car' - biased 18 year olds opinion on their first car
so a month went and a few things were in need of some tender loving care
the exhaust needed welding up and I caught the mid box when loading onto the trailer. Dez then removed the box and put some piping across to replace it, then I had the generals done, service and a cam belt change.
and now this is the more expensive and annoying bit, the previous owner had cut the springs by only 2 coils and standard mahoosive micra springs and instead of getting them to fit properly he just drilled out another hole on the top mount which then meant my car was, well lets say dangerous. £80 quid later for a pair of top mounts and she was alot safer!
also found out the camber bolts weren't camber bolts. they were a smaller bolt
I didn't really do alot on the micra for a while, swapped my Ats classics for alot of work from dez (which is appreciated and also got some polo steelies on, which were professionally painted with metal paint and a brush)
had Yoko's on them which made the car a bit more grippy but still left me feeling see sick and couldn't work out why the Tyre's didn't last long, not the best thing to be driving round town with blown out Tyre's.

this is when I first picked the ol' girl up.
I didn't get the wheels with the sale as for some reason they were valued at 300 quid for Weller's with bald Tyre's. so they were put on steelies
car had tax and test and had to go to Brighton to pick her up
nice and clean example of a car that had been well looked after with, "no expense paid" ill explain more about that later
so I hadn't passed my test at the time so she just sat on the drive for a month
when I finally passed my test she was a 'brilliant car' - biased 18 year olds opinion on their first car

so a month went and a few things were in need of some tender loving care
the exhaust needed welding up and I caught the mid box when loading onto the trailer. Dez then removed the box and put some piping across to replace it, then I had the generals done, service and a cam belt change.
and now this is the more expensive and annoying bit, the previous owner had cut the springs by only 2 coils and standard mahoosive micra springs and instead of getting them to fit properly he just drilled out another hole on the top mount which then meant my car was, well lets say dangerous. £80 quid later for a pair of top mounts and she was alot safer!
also found out the camber bolts weren't camber bolts. they were a smaller bolt

I didn't really do alot on the micra for a while, swapped my Ats classics for alot of work from dez (which is appreciated and also got some polo steelies on, which were professionally painted with metal paint and a brush)
had Yoko's on them which made the car a bit more grippy but still left me feeling see sick and couldn't work out why the Tyre's didn't last long, not the best thing to be driving round town with blown out Tyre's.

I decided I now wanted a nice exhaust system made up as my mate had a 2" inch stainless steel exhaust with cherry bomb on his chevette (made by dez) which sounded the dogs dangles.
And jealousy kicked in so I too had dez work his wonders
it now is fitted with a 1 1/2 inch exhaust straight through just with back box and 2 inch pipe welded on, looks really nice and subtle - in my opinion and to be honest did sound good, for a 988cc engine.

done a few other things as well whilst bored, was ment to help my mate on his fiesta for a day but got let down so decided to lower the car more and cut the springs, which was a good idea at the time but then the exhaust sat on the floor! so that was professionally held together, with a bit of metal strip and a few bolts

also changed the front and rear number plate as the back fell off and didnt like the look of the front one so went for a square one

had to go back to the standard steel wheels as I really didnt want to keep replacing the yokos every other month - lack of money was the key factor

so a bit more on the Micra project
I blew up the gearbox a few months back

so I replaced it which was a bi**h to source, drove it for a few miles and thought to myself it needs more power!
so on the net I surfed for a month or so and thought what if I put a cg13 engine and ran it on the full ecu and ignition.
be something different as the only ones ive seen have been ran on bike carbs
so I had a look on the net and flea bay and stumbled across alot bargain

a little super s that hadn't been listed very well.
but in a low bid just to see if anyone else had seen this as well and ended up winning it for a silly amount.
so the next journey was picking her up and when we finally got through the center of london on the same day as the chelsea celebrations
3 hours later and she was on the trailor.

the woman that I got this off had this for 15 years and only averaged a few thousand a year, she had a whole new distributor system fitted ht leads sparks (the full monty) only 500 miles ago so I was slightly pleased

got her home and drove her for a day to make sure everything was working as it should and tried out the almighty 75 horses which all seemed to be there with only a few 3 legged or shot.
so the next plan was to by some little goodies, the first was 600 bike carbs I know I'm contradicting myself but this was just a fall back incase we couldnt get the ignition and ecu working.
then some coilovers for the k10 (6n ones) .
the general idea was to use everything from underneath the front of the k11 front half and put it into the k10. took a day or so to get everything taken out of the super s as we were being fussy and labeling everything and ensuring we didnt break anything in the process.
learnt this the hard way when we had to change the v6 in the drift omega and couldnt remember where half the bloody things were and where they went which took alot more time.