Hi to all..
Bizarrely, this is not a request spawned in the search for more power...
We've recently purchased a '95 1.3Lx Auto for my other half. It has cleaned up very well, and shes very happy with it. It does however, rattle! closer inspection revealed the the vast majority of said rattling came from the many and various parts of the exhaust system. Closer inspection still reveals that said exhaust system appears to be made of 100% pure ferric oxide. It may pass its imminent Mot test, but only if the examiner promises not only to not poke it, but not even to point at it in an aggressive manner.
Clearly, the exhaust has seen better days, and is going to be best replaced. More power is NOT a requirement. The Raw throbbing power of the 1.3 lump, vs the fact that my good Mrs drives like a lettuce, means that there is quite sufficient throb to go around.
The primary objectives of this exercise are 1) fit a shiny new exhaust system that still has some steel content and is not in immediate danger of crumbling into dust if anyone in the car sneezes, and 2) Ideally resolve the bizarre amount of rattle, ting, clank and general buzzing rattles from the current set of pipes.
So - advice is sought. Where should I go in order to achieve this? is it advisable to go to a Kwikfit or ATS or similar? How much is it likely to cost me, and any tips of the ongoing care of this little car and its exhaust will be MUCH appreciated! We are in the New Forest area..
Oh, and here's a pic of her newly polished purchase!
Regards to all - Ben
Bizarrely, this is not a request spawned in the search for more power...
We've recently purchased a '95 1.3Lx Auto for my other half. It has cleaned up very well, and shes very happy with it. It does however, rattle! closer inspection revealed the the vast majority of said rattling came from the many and various parts of the exhaust system. Closer inspection still reveals that said exhaust system appears to be made of 100% pure ferric oxide. It may pass its imminent Mot test, but only if the examiner promises not only to not poke it, but not even to point at it in an aggressive manner.
Clearly, the exhaust has seen better days, and is going to be best replaced. More power is NOT a requirement. The Raw throbbing power of the 1.3 lump, vs the fact that my good Mrs drives like a lettuce, means that there is quite sufficient throb to go around.
The primary objectives of this exercise are 1) fit a shiny new exhaust system that still has some steel content and is not in immediate danger of crumbling into dust if anyone in the car sneezes, and 2) Ideally resolve the bizarre amount of rattle, ting, clank and general buzzing rattles from the current set of pipes.
So - advice is sought. Where should I go in order to achieve this? is it advisable to go to a Kwikfit or ATS or similar? How much is it likely to cost me, and any tips of the ongoing care of this little car and its exhaust will be MUCH appreciated! We are in the New Forest area..
Oh, and here's a pic of her newly polished purchase!

Regards to all - Ben