⚠️ Central locking gone ⚠️


I hope my english is good enough so you understand, I’m living in France and fan of Micra, having two K11 in the family ?

⚠️ I need help ⚠️

the central locking ofmy 2002 Micra is gone. When I turn the key in the driver side door then nothing happens anymore - the door mechanicly opens, but no electrical action of central locking anymore.
The passenger side locking stays closed and needs to be opened separately from inside. But there I hear some electric action of the central locking mécanisme, but does not work either anymore.
AND I cannot open the two back doors anymore - they are on closed since, inside outside ! I have to pull the inside handle opener as well as pull the lock button next to the inside handle to force to open - VERY ennoying ⚡

what went wrong ?
the motor in the drivers door died ?

thank you for your kind help ?
Good weekend to you all,
Eric ?