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  1. B

    new plan

    ok guys so heres the new plan for the old k11 :stripped interior :roll cage :harnesses : possible coilovers :full matt black respray with nismo graphics and the best bit :looking at a ga16 conversion (thanks to george for this suggestion) let me know wot u think :) ben
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    just wondering

    hey guys long time no speak i was just wondering, the time has come to turn the old k11 into something immense for mostly track use and was wondering wot bigger engin will fit straight into it with little/no work as i want more power with little effort lol im already starting to strip it and...
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    help please..............

    hi i have just aquired a k11 sr rear boot spoiler but my micra has no holes to mount it and i dont really wanna drill holes wot can i use to fit it????????? cheers guys
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    couple of questions

    hey peeps i was wondering if A: a face lift front bumper will fit pre face lift? as i like the bumper with the fog lights and B: did they ever make morette headlights for a pre facelift? plz help lol cheers peeps :)
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    face lift clocks on a pre-face lift

    does n e 1 know if they would work fine as they are off a 1999 super s and i gt a 1992/3 1.0 lx plz help :s
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    cd player with pre-outs

    does n e have 1 they dont want/4 cheap let me know plz :)
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    cheap bucket seat sub-frames for a 1991 k11

    i need sub-frames or ideas how to fit my bucket seats plz help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:wasntme:
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    k11 r.i.p(rat in progress)

    just a few pics of an on going project im doing 4 a laugh feedback welcomed lol
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    hey all

    hi im ben, 24 live in crawley, i have a 1991 k11 1.0lx 5 door which im in the process of ratting pics will be up soon lol anything else u wanna no just ask :D