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  1. C


    Here's a close up, the other one above isnt too clear coz i had to shrink it. Sowie.
  2. C


    Thanx for the sticker! Now my babi gurl is all clean & lookin gawjuz. Pik was taken about 10mins ago...
  3. C

    Can't park a Micra!

    It's so sad, i think the Micra driver was a chic, DOH! But i love it how the guy parks it for her. Classic lmao
  4. C

    Re: Micra Cruise Meet in Melburn

    Rath, hey i only just read ur post now. Did u still wanna come?? I live in Dandenong (South-East of Melb) Gimme a call <0410 29 33 83> & i'll take u. That is if u dont mind riding in my car =p If ur not too far away i'll pik u up. From Jacinta
  5. C

    Micra Insurance!

    Rolf @ germank11, love it. "eaten clowns 4 breaky" Well I dont have any "happy" insurance stories. But thought i'd let u guys kno wat happened to me. I have a 2008 Nissan Micra, no mods. At the time i was only 24 & only had my P's. When checkin prices for insurance i found some "lovely"...