Search results

  1. S

    Brakes Front Axle

    Hi there! I got an offer for front brake discs and brake pads for a K10. It says: "...for K10 from 82 to 84..." I have a 1991 K10 MA12 54HP, automatic gearbox. Will they fit mine? Were there any changes in the brakes in later K10 models an if so, which? Thx!
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    Separate Automatic-transmission-fluid-cooling from radiator

    Hi there! I'm looking for a suitable oil-cooler for the 1991 Micra K10, 1.2litre 54HP with Automatic Transmission. I want to separate the transmission-fluid-cooling from the main radiator. I also want to change the tiny engine-cooling radiator for a slightly bigger one, as there's plenty of...
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    Spare Key For K10

    Hi there! I have only one key for my K10 which suits all door-locks, fuel tank and ignition as well. It is a simple metal key without any specials like immobiliser or the like. I tried to get a spare from a locksmith but it does not work properly. Where can I get a key blank from? Or does Nissan...
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    strange behaviour idle

    Hi there! My 1991 Micra K10 1,2 Litre with Automatic Transmision shows some strage behaviour. When stopping in mode "D" (e.g. at a traffic light) the engine stutters and turns off while pushing the brakes. When I shift to "N" instead, everything is fine. I can't find a link between idle and...
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    Changing Automatic Transmission for Manual one

    Hi there! Despite of all other challenges when doing so: Does a manual transmission fit into a 1991 K10 (with 1,2 Litre 40kW and automatic transmission) without major changes on motorbloc ect.? If so, which manual transmission exactly do I need? If not, what would be the necessary changes to...
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    K10 Radiator hoses

    Hi. I'm looking for both radiator hoses upper and lower for a 1991 K10 1,2litre, 40kW. All I can find is "out of stock", "currently unavailable".... Any idea, where to get? Link? Maybe dimensions of the originals built in (curved length, diameter) since mine are definitely not original and...