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  1. nesty

    Brake switch plastic gommet

    Hi All My brake lights stuck on even after turning off the ignition, I bought a new brake switch the old was quite sticky, but installed the new one and they still on. I have now researched that the beige plastic grommet thing (arrowed in the photo) has broken, anyone know this part number...
  2. nesty

    Sainsburys online advert

    Online (a pre advert on you tube) for Sainsburys, making out a K11 wouldn't start (it did eventually), they obviously don't know they one of the most reliable older cars out there!
  3. nesty

    K11 prefacelift Headlight flasher stalk stays on

    A small issue, but when I go to flash someone out and pull the stalk, it stays in the full beam position, it doesn't spring back, I assume to fix this, it's a new stalk? I can manually push it back, but I have to keep remember to!
  4. nesty

    K11 pre-facelift running putt, putt, putt,

    Just when I get 1 of my Micra's running ok, the other one just suddenly starts playing up. Running fine, going to and from work, then all of a sudden running like loss of power and putt, putt putt effect from the exhaust, like it's missing. I have re-solded the TB earlier in the year. The idle...
  5. nesty

    K11 Prefacelift Nissan stock alarm - Adding touch keys

    Hi I have been looking through my old paperwork and previous owner had a Nissan dealer install a touch key immobilser to my K11 in 1995. The touch keys are cobra looking, but I can't find the module box and I am having issues with trying to add further keys (as down to my last one), the cobra...
  6. nesty

    New throttle body installed

    Hi I purchased a new aftermarket throttle body in the end, fitted it all works fine and got through the MOT today, even the CVT light which was coming on at idle, now not coming on, so looking like a knackered TB.
  7. nesty

    lower Centre console removal

    Hi I have a CVT, I need to remove the lower centre console, can anyone tell me how this is done, is it remove the 2 side screws and the gear selector console needs to be removed prior? Thanks
  8. nesty

    Any prefacelift throttle body for sale?

    Hi I am going to replace my throttle body 1.3 CVT, (1995), to rule out certain issues on my pre facelift. Anyone got a working prefacelift throttle body for sale? The pickings on ebay are fairly slim. I was considering aftermarket, but wasn’t sure if the set up is plug and play, as so to...
  9. nesty

    How does the Throttle body communicate with a CVT gearbox

    I am still trying to find out the solution to the my CVT gearbox light issue (flash code 6), I have noticed now that the revs are hunting badly up and down etc. I am trying to rule out if the TB sensors could be giving wrong signals and this is throwing out the CVT? I have additionally noticed...
  10. nesty

    CVT error code 6

    Hi Done a CVT diagnostic test, I am getting Fault Code 6 - The sixth blink is on longer than the others - Torque signal circuit is short circuited or disconnected. Can anyone tell me where the Engine control unit and CVT control unit, I want to see if any corroded terminals and check the...
  11. nesty

    Prefacelift CVT light intermittently comes on, but stays on during idle

    Hi My CVT light came on for the first time on my other prefacelift K11 today, it’s been running fine until now and only done 47k miles. I thought it was maybe the cold morning and the oil hadn’t circulated, as the light came on then went out, when placing the foot on the accelerator pedal, it...
  12. nesty

    K11 (prefacelift) Throttle body refurbishment

    Hi Is there a company which sells or does K11 (preface lift) Throttle body refurbishment? My garage diagnosed via plug in codes, that my rough running and low idling, point to the mass air flow sensor, I am going to do the re-soldering trick again, to see if that works, but does anyone...
  13. nesty

    K11 prefacelift idles ok, then all of a sudden low idle and smells like running rich

    I know I have touched upon this before, but still can't get to the bottom of it with my stock Micra. Sometimes it idles fine, then all of a random sudden the revs will drop and idle like it gonna cut out (sometimes it does), then smells like running ultra rich. If you hold your foot on the gas...
  14. nesty

    Testing injector resistance in ohms

    Does anyone know what the injector Ohm resistance meant to be on a preface lift? Thanks
  15. nesty

    ICV O Ring replacement (Prefacelift)

    Out of interest anyone know the size of this ring?
  16. nesty

    K&N air filter (drop in) better than stock ones?

    My stock K11 (prefacelift) has a K&N drop in filter, I know it won't make much difference in the performance department. However, I heard that the oil of these filter can play up the mass air sensor sometimes, I just wondered if this is true, as having occasional idle issues, wondered if...
  17. nesty

    High Idle (1100 rpm) Pre-facelift

    Hi One of my K11's is idling slightly high around 1100rpm when warm, 1400rpm when cold then drops down to 1100rpm, it doesn't hunt just stays at that, it's not a massive issue, but prefer to slightly lower it, if there is a way. I've cleaned out the TB & ICV, but hasn't made a difference. Thanks
  18. nesty

    Through the MOT today

    Only required a tyre, pretty pleased with that!
  19. nesty

    Central locking intermittently not working on both K11's!

    Hi all I have 2 K11's (prefacelift) and both having central locking issues, where I'd say half of the time the central locking doesn't work, from the drivers door, it's a bit hit and miss on both, not a massive issue, as often only me getting into it, but prefer it to work. They both have a...
  20. nesty

    Where to obtain paint marker touch up pens

    Hi I want to get some paint colour below in a marker pen type, so can touch up some scratches FL1 Blue and AJ4 red Anyone know the best place to get these any off the shelf, or is it a paint shop mixer job? Thanks