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  1. Mika The Finn

    Micra racing in the Land of the Finns!

    ? Micra racing in the Land of the Finns!
  2. Mika The Finn

    Who is moderator here?

    Could the moderator of this forum identify him/herself? :)
  3. Mika The Finn

    Headlamp washer switch?

    --HELP!-- Could someone who has access to a wiring diagram, please tell me, headlamp washer switch colors/functions?!:unsure::rolleyes: Micra CD of mine, be at an unknown location!:( THANK YOU!
  4. Mika The Finn

    Nissan Micra Hazard Lights Button Replacment

    Does any one know how just a plactic button comes off?:rolleyes: With out removing stereos/trim around it?:unsure: Got this brilliant idea to ghange red button to black one...;) Nissan Micra Hazard Lights Button Replacment 3:26
  5. Mika The Finn

    Micra K12 1.4 and 1.6 160SR shocks...?

    Does anyone know if there is any difference between 1.4 and 1.6 shocks? :unsure: I found a set of 4 with everything but, the German seller states on their webpage, it doesn't fit my 'Big-Block' Micra 160SR! :rolleyes: According Finnish parts dealer, shocks are the same for both model/engine...
  6. Mika The Finn

    Does any one knows, what Nissan models have HR16DE turbo engine?

    This idea came to my mind once again...? :rolleyes: 'Sleeper' Micra! :unsure:;)
  7. Mika The Finn

    K12 Tail light covers?!

    G'day! Does someone know where to find K12 tail light covers that chriswills has in his profile picture?:unsure: Or better yet has some one these covers on loose, and would it be possible to draw templates to thin cardboard and send them to me to the Land of the Finns?:)
  8. Mika The Finn

    Does K12 hood fit to inside of vehicle?

    I found dark blue metallic hood from one of the breakers in eastern Finland. Too lazy to remove hood to fit it inside of vehicle. Does anyone know does hood of K12 fit inside of Micra, with only the driver on board?:rolleyes:;)
  9. Mika The Finn

    2X Lowered car outline JDM stickers - For Nissan Micra 3-door K12 2003-2010

    From the Land of the Ice! I came across these stickers while ago, available in three different size and various colors. Sort of cool?! :unsure: ;) => 2X Lowered car outline JDM stickers - For Nissan Micra 3-door K12 2003-2010 L122
  10. Mika The Finn

    Language question?

    Idiot Americans have wrenches and, they are wrenching their vehicles. You UK folks have spanners, are you spannering your vehicles? Or what is the correct term? :unsure: Me speaking and writing Finnglis just wondering, without any intention of offending anyone! ;) -Mika-
  11. Mika The Finn

    Wheel painting tip...

    I never thought about using playing cards for masking....:unsure:;) => RESTORE YOUR WHEELS / USE THE CARD TRICK / AMAZING RESULTS 10:49
  12. Mika The Finn

    Circuit diagram of trunk lid keyless entry?

    I re joint wires once, now it looks like that they are getting broken again, cargo space lights are out, and it's not the bulbs. I do have service manual on CD, I just don't know where CD is! :(:rolleyes: My brilliant idea is to cut and rejoint wires, with silicon ones, from hinge section of...
  13. Mika The Finn

    K12 Nissan March (Micra) / S14 Silvia Chassis (SR20 Turbo/ Rear Wheel Drive)

    K12 Nissan March (Micra) / S14 Silvia Chassis (SR20 Turbo/ Rear Wheel Drive) 04:43
  14. Mika The Finn

    k12 マーチ cool Micra

    I came across this video from youtube: k12 マーチ 03:14
  15. Mika The Finn

    Pictures of Micra front bumper removed?

    You never have too much light on front of you. Does anyone have pictures where front bumper is removed. I got brilliant idea to install these behind bumper cover!? It would help to see how much there is space and what kind of brackets/attachment ponits for light ?! :unsure: New Genuine HELLA...
  16. Mika The Finn

    Hood scoop to Micra

    Has anyone thought about or done some kind of hood scoop/vent/air intake to Micra? :unsure: More air => more power! ;)
  17. Mika The Finn

    Differences between Note and Micra HR16DE engines?!

    Does any one know actual differences between Note and Micra HR16DE ECU:s/engines?! :unsure:
  18. Mika The Finn

    Micra CC door lenght?

    G'day to all! Could owner of Micra CC measure length of door from as shown on picture? Reason why I hope to get this piece of knowledge, is to figure out can I make by filing/sawing/painting/combining 4-door and CC, to get 1/43 model of my SR160 :unsure: ;) -Mika- From these:
  19. Mika The Finn


    NISSAN MICRA K12 SPORT REAR ROOF SPOILER NEW in case here someone is interested ;):unsure: