Search results

  1. M

    K11 Ignition Barrel/Switch Fault

    My K11 2001 1.4 SE has a faulty ignition key switch in that after starting the engine, the key wont return to the "engine running" position, so the starter motor is still rotating. To stop it I have to manually turn the key back to the "running" position. I guess that the barrel is worn and the...
  2. M

    Fuel Gauge or Sender Unit?

    The petrol gauge on my 2001 1.4 Micra constantly reads "full" after refilling - even after covering about 100 miles. Is there a simple test to see whether the fault lies with the gauge or the fuel tank sender unit? Thanks in advance.
  3. M

    Catalytic Converter

    I have a 2001 K11 Micra with a 1.4 litre petrol engine. current mileage is 128 110. The engine warning light has appeared twice in the last nine months, and indicated the same fault code: PO 420. The garage cleared the fault code and installed Cataclean in the petrol tank. The EWL remained...
  4. M

    Rotary multi-tool - advice

    There are so many rotary multi-tools to choose from that I am bewildered. I'm looking for a cordless one which will drill, cut, grind, sand and polish, complete with a range of tools. It needs to be a well-known make for ease of obtaining spares and not over-expensive. I'm not a professional...
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    Front anti-roll (stabiliser) bar drop link sheared.

    This happened to my 2001 K11 Micra today and I thought it an easy job to remove the link & bushes - wrong! I've soaked the link rod and lower securing nut with Plus Gas and I can just turn it in the the eye of the anti-roll bar. The top nut and bush disappeared with the sheared off bit of the...
  6. M

    Petrol Filler Pipe

    I have a K11 Micra 1.4 SE (2001) with a corroded petrol filler tube, too fragile to make an effect repair. If anyone has a good second-hand one available, I would be very interested!
  7. M

    Refuelling problem

    I have a 2001 K11 Micra 1.4 SE and the last time I filled up with petrol, I noticed fuel leaking out under the rear of the car, just before the petrol pump cut off. I didn't fill up particularly fast and I have noticed this happen on an earlier occasion. I looked underneath the car and didn't...
  8. M

    Roof aerial mounting Wanted

    After taking my Y-reg Micra SE 1.4 petrol through the car wash, it came out with the roof fixture for the aerial broken, with the threaded part missing, so I can't screw the aerial back in. Has anyone got one for sale or is about to break a similar model. I presume the aerial is common to all...
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    Dual Action Orbital Polishers

    Any recommendations for a DA polisher which is reliable, durable, efficient and doesn't cost the earth! Ta.
  10. M

    Cooling system overheating

    I've just renewed the anti-freeze in my 2001 K11 Micra 1.4 SE, and now after a run it is overheating - the temp. gauge needle went into the red after about four miles. I suspect an air lock in the system as it didn't take the full quantity of coolant when topping up. Any tips on bleeding the...
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    Does anyone know which manufacturer's team famously put the co-driver in the back seat of their 1980’s World Rally Championship cars? I've tried Google, but to no avail. Thanks in anticipation.
  12. M

    Gearbox breather hose, Micra 1.4 SE (2001)

    What is the breather hose from the gearbox attached to at its other end, which is curved like a hook? Would it be the carbon canister? Haynes manual doesn't show it. Thanks in anticipation!
  13. M

    Stereo Radio For Sale

    JVC KD-R301 Stereo CD/Receiver (from my K11 Micra) with detachable front head unit. Excellent condition, and still with original box. New car with built-in sound system renders this one redundant. Original cost £100. Asking price £25.
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    Carpet Mats

    For K11 Micra, two front carpet mats, genuine Nissan, black in good condition. £12.
  15. M

    Micra K11 GX 1999 For Sale

    After 9 trouble-free years of ownership, I now need a bigger car. So my 1999 (almost classic!) 5-door Micra 1.0 L GX is up for sale. Regularly serviced, bills and receipts kept since 1999, including past MOT certs. This car is thoroughly reliable, starts first time, runs well, has no fluid...
  16. M

    Handbrake set-up procedure

    I would like to know whether it is ok to set up the correct handbrake adjustment on the K11 by: 1. Slackening off the handbrake adjustment screw until cables are fully slack. 2. Fully retracting handbrake operating lever inside each brake drum via a tool pushed through the...
  17. M

    Micra 1.4 l SE won't start

    A strange problem has arisen with my 2001 Micra. It wouldn't start this evening and I used it okay yesterday, filled up with petrol and put it in the garage and haven't used it, until I tried to start it this evening. It has always run fine before, the battery is nearly new and fully charged...
  18. M

    Heater Temp Control Knob Slips

    How can I fix the above problem, as heater is stuck in cold mode and the temp. control won't turn on the heat! (The heating system doesn't have air-con).
  19. M

    Replacing driver's seat belt

    I have a used seat belt (from a scappy) for my 1999 5-door GX and just before fitting it I noticed it seems to be "locked" in the fully retracted position. Is there a way to "unlock" it so that I can uncoil the belt? It is the pre-tensioner type so I need to be careful I don't set off the...
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    sony cdx 2000 car stereo

    Does anyone have a detachable head unit for the above radio/cd player they want to sell?