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  1. Daheem24

    Help! 1.5dCi Fuel Filter Removal

    Cool thanks
  2. Daheem24

    "Café Latte" K12

    Yep, I could only take off so much with the wire brush unfortunately. I don't have a drill so I couldn't blitz it with the attachment like you did. To be honest I just wanted the ugly rust covered.
  3. Daheem24

    "Café Latte" K12

    Cheers Sparky. I've got some GT85 (which I'm under the impression is silicone lubricant spray), so I'll give that a try on the other side of the car (y)
  4. Daheem24

    "Café Latte" K12

    Minor update: I think I managed to sort the creaky/clucky windows. Here's my logic: So the creaking stops when I push down the window by hand, which drops the window a further ~5mm. Therefore there is too much resistance in the actual window runner and/or the rubber sealing/gap around the...
  5. Daheem24

    Help! 1.5dCi Fuel Filter Removal

    So I've been following Guy's steps on how to change the diesel fuel filter on a K12 ( I've got to this stage: But I just couldn't actually get the filter off; I didn't have an extension bar long enough to prise up from the right side...but it just seems impossible...
  6. Daheem24

    "Café Latte" K12

    Thank you, but I've beat you to it; I messaged Guy and he sent me the updated URL. ^^^
  7. Daheem24

    "Café Latte" K12

    Some pictures... The painted brake drums behind the wheels; excuse the very dirty wheels/car: The messy headlight clip repair: Before I cleaned the number plate: 'During': After the clean up and new fixings: Pretty happy with that, especially at a grand total of 89p :geek:
  8. Daheem24

    "Café Latte" K12

    Also, I think I've finally sorted the ride height on the car. I dropped the rears, as much as I could, by removing the top locking ring. The bottom (collar?) is needed to hold the spring securely in place. Just by dropping the rears, it's kind of balanced the fronts, which sit a tiny bit lower...
  9. Daheem24

    "Café Latte" K12

    After that, I tried to change the fuel filter, but couldn't actually remove the filter from its mount thing. I removed the battery and airbox. I removed a bracket holding some pipes (for access) and took 2 pipes off the top of the fuel filter. Then according to Guy's advice on...
  10. Daheem24

    "Café Latte" K12

    I also cleaned my EGR valve over the weekend. It's been on my list of things to do since I bought it; it seems it's good practise and often solves a lot of unexplained engine issues. However, apparently oily deposits in the valve suggest failure of the turbo seals, and I'm a little concerned...
  11. Daheem24

    "Café Latte" K12

    Feels like it's been a while - I've been (somewhat) busy... Firstly, I sorted my speedo. The circuit board just needed properly pushing back in: I also took apart the heater dials from the front and have some different lights on order: Secondly, I had a look at my passenger window. Both...
  12. Daheem24

    "Café Latte" K12

    Also lowered the ride height yesterday. To be honest, I winged it with the amount I lowered, as I couldn't really measure a difference in height after making the changes and driving round the block to 'settle the suspension'. I think I turned the adjusters approximately like so: Front N/S...
  13. Daheem24

    "Café Latte" K12

    Ar man I see what you mean now! Ah well, I guess it was an experience nevertheless. So, apparently there's a limit of picture attachments per post - 30. So here's the 'after' picture for my heater control dials: Not too impressed to be honest. I think it looks a bit naff with the fading of...
  14. Daheem24

    "Café Latte" K12

    Ar man I see what you mean now! Ah well, I guess it was an experience nevertheless. So, apparently there's a limit of picture attachments per post - 30. So here's the 'after' picture for my heater control dials: Not too impressed to be honest. I think it looks a bit naff with the fading of...
  15. Daheem24

    "Café Latte" K12

    Noo I was aware, but the reason I wanted to fully replace them was because of the cracking on the display bits around the lights, which I wasn't keen on. Buuut my replacements are also pretty tatty, so I'm still not happy :rolleyes:. Just remembered...I forgot to you know of any...
  16. Daheem24

    Potential to upload videos from Google Photos?

    So this is mainly aimed at the people running this site... I'd like to upload videos on threads on this site, but all the options are pretty long winded and awkward. In this age of Android and Apple, is there no way to uploaded video media directly from Google Photos? Flickr has a limit of...
  17. Daheem24

    "Café Latte" K12

    Appreciate the picture John. This seems very Renault-y and not Nissan-y. I'll get it looked at sorted soon, with updates.
  18. Daheem24

    "Café Latte" K12

    Osram Night Breakers... So I really dislike those dark blue bulbs which emit a "white light": basically a scattered beam of limited light which dazzles oncoming road users and doesn't remotely improve visibility. Speaking from experience. There seems to be loads of debate about the best bulbs...
  19. Daheem24

    "Café Latte" K12

    Update...'JDM' heater dials with black knobs - JDM because they came off a Nissan March AK12 eeyooo How to remove/replace heater dial unit/stereo/head unit/dashboard top. By ya boi Daheem: Unscrew 2 screws just below head unit here: *PIC TO BE INSERTED* Unscrew 2 more screws above the head...