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  1. H

    Please help: rear brake leaking

    Hello every one, I haved fitted the new cylinder and new shoes but the drum does not fit. I have adjusted the adjuster but not to very last bit. On the driver side the drum fitted but there was slight jam without adjusting the adjuster. How to adjust it with out while the shoes are fitted...
  2. H

    Please help: rear brake leaking

    Thanks Dave, What do mean by careful. Here is the video before it poped out And here it is after it poped out and I pushed the rubber tube back still leaks. Regards Sent from my HUAWEI VNS-L31 using Micra Sports Club mobile app
  3. H

    Please help: rear brake leaking

    Please help, It happened again!!! The cylinder poped out again. I realised my mistake now. I should have done the bleeding with brake drum on not off. The question is: can I use the poped out cylinder by pushing bits in sliding tube back again? Please HELP. Regards Sent from my HUAWEI...
  4. H

    Please help: rear brake leaking

    As was finishing and did bleeding, noticed the other side which I opened to use as reference, cylinder popped out. Now the problem is tomorrow is Sunday and Monday is bank holiday. I don't know if there will be delivery! And I have to go to work both Sunday and Monday! Regards Sent from my...
  5. H

    Please help: rear brake leaking

    Thanks frank, There is no 220 nm there. There is line and there are 10 to 70 on side of it and 20 to 80 on the other side in steps of ten. Sent from my HUAWEI VNS-L31 using Micra Sports Club mobile app
  6. H

    Please help: rear brake leaking

    Hi frank, You said the hub nut is 150nm. But I don't know how setup the torque wrench. I have a draper one but I missed about with when I got it and now I don' know how to set up Regards Sent from my HUAWEI VNS-L31 using Micra Sports Club mobile app
  7. H

    Please help: rear brake leaking

    Thanks frank, I did remove hub. What is best way to clean break fluid? It looks like the was there for quit a while because some of the plate paint is pealing off. I have used dw40 to remove the dirt and was thing of using white spirit followed by brake cleaner. Will the copper grease be...
  8. H

    Please help: rear brake leaking

    Some more question please: What should I use to clean the drum and plate? I have used DW40 to remove the dirt and was thinking of using white spirit followed by brake cleaner! Some one please advise. Regards Sent from my HUAWEI VNS-L31 using Micra Sports Club mobile app
  9. H

    Please help: rear brake leaking

    Yes the springs and bits and pieces. Sent from my HUAWEI VNS-L31 using Micra Sports Club mobile app
  10. H

    Please help: rear brake leaking

    Thank all for explanation. I have got brake shoes but they do not have the assembly!!? Are they always like that? Sent from my HUAWEI VNS-L31 using Micra Sports Club mobile app
  11. H

    Please help: rear brake leaking

    Hi John_D, Its the cylinder. But do I need brake shoes? Regards Sent from my HUAWEI VNS-L31 using Micra Sports Club mobile app
  12. H

    Please help: rear brake leaking

    Carparts4less listed it as wheel cylinder and I have ordered a pagid one and will be delivered tomorrow. Sent from my HUAWEI VNS-L31 using Micra Sports Club mobile app
  13. H

    Please help: rear brake leaking

    Thanks frank for the quick response. Regards Sent from my HUAWEI VNS-L31 using Micra Sports Club mobile app
  14. H

    Please help: rear brake leaking

    Hello every one, Day before yesterday noticed some oil on the floor next to driver side rear wheel. Today investigated and found that there is a leak. Can some please help? What is the part that needs replacing called and where to buy? Did a search carparts4less was not listed there...
  15. H

    what did you do to your micra today ?

    Thanks plmval for info/advice. Sent from my HUAWEI VNS-L31 using Micra Sports Club mobile app
  16. H

    what did you do to your micra today ?

    WDIDT? Tried to replace the discs and pads but could not do due time limit and did not know ho to push back to caliper to make room for new pad and disc. Can some one PLEASE tell/guide me how push back the caliper piston? Regards Sent from my HUAWEI VNS-L31 using Micra Sports Club mobile app
  17. H

    Front Brakes and Pads I found 1.4 is solid and cots £30 for a pair Sent from my HUAWEI VNS-L31 using Micra Sports Club mobile app
  18. H

    Warm weather and P0171 corelatio

    Thanks, If its a leak issue it come in normal driving as well. But it shows up only driving on motorways in hot/warm weather. In late autumn and winter lts not there even driving 100 miles on motorways non stop, but in hot/warm as in june/july after 40-50 miles on motorway it show up again...
  19. H

    Warm weather and P0171 corelatio

    Hello everybody, I am back after over six months to nearly a year with P0171 problem. During cold weather traveling on motors on consistent speed of 70-80 had no problem, but with warm/hot weather traveling on motorway after 40 miles the P0171 power train system too lean shows up. Any idea...
  20. H

    Nissan Micra 1.4 SE+ Auto For Sale, 2001, 40,000 Miles

    Hi Is there any rust underneath? Ant rust treatment done? Any room for negotiation on price? regards Sent from my SM-T560 using Micra Sports Club mobile app