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  1. benji_

    Franken-Mikey Build

    just curious about it really. dont have any intention of ever buying a facelift unless its to get parts to retrofit lol Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. benji_

    Franken-Mikey Build

    what is it you have to do to do a front swap? is everything just bolt in or is some modification needed Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. benji_

    benji_'s '94 Micra Tropic Build Log

    thanks but havent got the money :) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. benji_

    benji_'s '94 Micra Tropic Build Log

    been like a month since ive posted. havent done much, just installed a radio and changed out the heater resistor
  5. benji_

    benji_'s '94 Micra Tropic Build Log

    Garage said it was more effort than it was worth so I’ll probably look into a performance garage and see if they’ll install and wire it for me. Or I might just get an aftermarket tacho and put it on the dashboard, although I don’t really like this method. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. benji_

    benji_'s '94 Micra Tropic Build Log

    Just taken it to the garage, turns out the speedo was working, although it wasnt yesterday. Getting them to put the new cluster in and wire it correctly, since it didnt seem to be just plug n play, whowouldathought.
  7. benji_

    benji_'s '94 Micra Tropic Build Log

    So its been eventful, the cluster I bought of ebay, didnt seem to work, so I put my original one back in and that doesnt work now either. Before I break anything else I am going to send it to a garage to get the new cluster properly installed and working properly, I hope atleast. My friend...
  8. benji_

    How do I remove the steering wheel cowl on a preface k11?

    I think so, hoping it was just a fuse or something but I didnt check
  9. benji_

    Cluster Bolt Locations

    I thought the same thing, went out there about an hour ago and took it out and back in again, clicked, still not working. Gonna send it to the garage tomorrow before I break anything else. I know the guy pretty well and he doesn't charge out the arse for anything so hopefully it wont cost too much.
  10. benji_

    How do I remove the steering wheel cowl on a preface k11?

    Thanks, I managed to get a screwdriver in and unscrew the last bolt holding the cluster cowl in, switched over the gauges, new ones didn't work, so put my old one back in and now the speedo doesnt work. :confused:
  11. benji_

    Cluster Bolt Locations

    Thanks, I managed to get a screwdriver in and unscrew the last bolt holding the cluster cowl in, switched over the gauges, new ones didn't work, so put my old one back in and now the speedo doesnt work. :confused:
  12. benji_

    How do I remove the steering wheel cowl on a preface k11?

    What are the location of all screws and clips? Don't want to take the wrong things out and **** my car up. Pictures or a video would be great if you could :)
  13. benji_

    Cluster Bolt Locations

    Thought there might be, any idea on how to take the cover off? Don't think I have steering wheel adjustment.
  14. benji_

    How do I remove the steering wheel cowl on a preface k11?

    Trying to get the gauge cluster out of my micra, think I may need to remove the cowl to get to a bolt as I believe I do not have the adjustment option, it is a 1994 tropic if that is of any help. I did some scowering and found this which I think is the bolt needed to be removed. What bolts hold...
  15. benji_

    Cluster Bolt Locations

  16. benji_

    Cluster Bolt Locations

    this is the video, as you can see its not the same to mine, or am i being stupid?
  17. benji_

    Cluster Bolt Locations

    wh where is the left one? i saw a video of a k11c but the its different to mine
  18. benji_

    Cluster Bolt Locations

  19. benji_

    Cluster Bolt Locations

    Ok, I am trying to remove my cluster on my 1994 Micra, I cant for the life of me figure out where the last bolt is (if there is one). I have gotten 3 out but the bezel wont come out. This is the bezel roof bolts I've gotten out: This is the left hand side of the steering wheel. No bolts taken...
  20. benji_

    K11 Pre-Facelift Rev-Counter Wiring Procedures

    @porkpie700 could you re upload the pictures if you still have them? im aware this post is near 9 years old now but it would be a massive help if you could